My contact info
AIM - Sacredmoonpie
Yahoo - iamcaptainpie
My Current Mood
"You fit into me
Like a hook into an Eye
A fish hook
An open Eye"
- Margaret Atwood
This is a picture of the alternative band No Label in the year 2005. Click on it... listen to selections from the new incarnation of the band, S.O.L.I.D., featuring me on bass guitar and vocals. Oh, Aaron sings too... or at least I think it's supposed to be singing, but the last time I heard that sound it was made by a cow and when they turned the cow over it was dead. The tiny dude with the weird hair is the drummer. Or at least he WAS the drummer back before he got the "I wanna go to college and make something of my pitiful life" bug up his ass. I'm the cute one. The fat one in the background is Aaron. We make fun of each other a lot, but it's only because he's a lazy fatass and I'm a sarcastic asshole who is hiding a deep-seated love for him. Oh, yeah, we also make a lot of gay jokes. In fact, a good deal of our songs are just penis jokes. Dude... Is it possible that the jokes are actually a clever mask for our true feelings for each other? Or should I stop updating my myspace profile while getting high? You be the judge.
If anything on this profile offends you, click HERE for instructions on what to do instead of searching myspace. If anyone should need any help at all following these instructions, please message me and I will gladly assist you.
Random Quote of the week
"For 4 million dollars, I'd be confused with more than one person! Wait, was that out loud?"
This is a true account of a McDonald's employee:
Click HERE to see how McDonald's REALLY is...
"Thus the two travellers left their homes and journeyed to the wilderness where they disappeared. They were not heard from for a fortnight. When they returned, they had with them a heavenly glow and a Columbian smell. Thus, they spread the gospel of the Inner Time." - (1:15-17, Geddias, The Inner Time Chronicles)
"The Prophet Geddias ascended to the top of the mountain and looked upon the wisdom-seeking hoards. He drew from the leafy bounty of the Inner Time and spoke the words that shook the heavens "WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, STICK IT IN HER POOPER."(2:26-27, Geddias, The Inner Time Chronicles)
"While teaching in the forest one day, Aaronius said to his disciples 'People come to me for peace, for love, for wisdom. What are your needs, my children?'
'We seek the path to enlightenment,' they replied.
'Enlightenment? That can only be gained through the Inner Time.'
'But, what is that secret, master?'
Aaronius sighed a deep sigh. He drew from the leafy bounty of the inner time. 'Bring me a flask which is full of the excess of the fatted calf, my children.' And they did. He tapped it three times with his staff of wonder and behold the flask of lard was filled with Jack Daniels. And all drank deeply and were filled with the vigor of the spirits within. 'Now my sons, go forth and hit large sacks of fat with your staffs of wonder.'" (Aaronius 2:1-7, The Inner Time Chronicles)
"That which can be seen is not the Inner Time. That which can be spoken of is not the Inner Time. However, that which you see while filled with the spirits? That you will not remember. Now, where did I put my car keys? Aaron, play a song. I'm depressed." (Ancient Inner Time Proverb)