Pig Destroyer, Opeth, Napalm Death, Impaled, Carcass, Hate Eternal, Splatterhouse, Abigail Williams, Mastodon, High on Fire, Exhumed, Animosity, Black Dahlia Murder, Nile, Poser Disposer, Brutal Truth, Baroness, the Haunted, Nasum, Engorged, Finntroll, Suffocation, Celtic Frost, Insect Warfare, Ghoul, His Hero is Gone, Watain, ISIS, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, At the Gates, Circle of Dead Children, Fuck I'm Dead, Cattle Decapitation, Skeletonwitch, Kylesa, Cephalic Carnage, Drop Dead, Between the Buried and Me, the Sword, Kalas, Job For a Cowboy, Saviours, Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral, Neurosis, Ritual Of War, Blueprint for Disaster......
Barfly, No Country For Old Men, The Big Lebowski, The Departed, Kung fu Hustle, any and all zombie flicks.
Tales of Ordinary Madness, Most Beautiful Girl in Town, Ham on Rye, Mockingbird Wish me Luck, Betting on the Muse, Post Office, Hollywood, Notes of a Dirty Old Man.....notice a trend? (thats all the Bukowski stuff ive read) Imajica, Weaveworld, Theif of Always, The Great and Secret Show, Sacrement.... (and thats all Clive Barker) Black House, 1984, Animal Farm, American Psycho, the Harry Potter series.....
charles bukowski