n A d i n e ♥ profile picture

n A d i n e ♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

LIVE ♥LOVE ♥LAUGH ♥♥im nadine codiLLa..♥i am moRe dan wat u think i am..♥don't tell me who i am coz unless i write all my thoughts down on a piece of paper & hand it 2u,u don't even know half of my life.♥ im a self confessed happy-go-lucky-but-knows-when-to-be-serious type of person..♥i love to party..♥enjoys every bit of life's thrills and spills..♥being stupid at times..yeah i admit..♥im a frapp whore..♥ i have such low tolerance on annoying people so dont freaking annoy me..♥im a MEANIE sumtyms but IF ur GOOD 2 ME then ill do the same 2 u..♥ i hate the rain.it depresses me..♥ SPIDERS for me are deadLy creature..♥my life is crappy but im lovin it♥i am thin..i know i am so dont tell it to my face already!im sick of hearing it..im loving my body even if its not perfect♥i wont waste my tym on pipoL hu dont Lyk me.. chances are--i dont likke dem tOo..♥i seldom get mad. but swear when i do, i explode and God knows what'll happen next..♥ i suck at LOVE.i think.but its ironic that im so into it.♥ BOYS GIVE ME REASONS TO HATE DEM SO MUCH♥im weird and crazy at times but stiLL knOws hOw 2 handLe my insanity♥i uSed 2 bE a mOody pErsOn bUt thEn pEopLe cHange..so am i..♥i cAn be an angel & at thE sAmE tiMe a devil .. haha. dEpEnds oN wAt tHe sitUatiOn cALLs fOr♥am a risk taker . cOz i dnt wAnNa eNd up thinkin' aNd wOnderin' whAt miGht & couLd hAve bEen♥im a LOUD person.bUt i knOw wen SILENCE is neEded♥i live mAh lifE tO fuLLest. i feeL Like evrydAy iS my Last..♥im a FREAKING CAMERA WHORE♥i sMoke,wats d BIG DEAL?♥i Lubb SIOMAI!♥i Lubb chocoLates♥i Lubb my frEnds♥i Lubb my famiLy♥i Lubb mah baby, ANNIKA.. she's aLL that i have & she's aLL that i Live for.. she's mah LIFE..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

pEePz hU wiLL aBsoLutELy dRivE mEi iNsAnE..gOt fRieNdsTeR?! aDd mE uP!! [email protected] tHaNkz..!


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