Kaytea profile picture



About Me

Hmmm well I like to sleep a lot on the weekends but I love to drink and most the time its too much and if someone doesn't like it I don't really care...I also like to dance a lot especially when intoxicated....I love doing really stupid shit and laughing a lot..I like hanging out and going out with my friends...I get lost easily and often (physically and mentally)..I'm usually mean to people I like and nice to people I don't..I get annoyed easily...I get called a brat a lot but I don't care....I say stupid shit a lot but its not cuz I'm dumb...I can never sleep at night and HATE waking up...I love having random retarded nights..I hate hugs...I mostly never remember the weekends, but thats what friends are for haha

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My Interests

DrIIInking, slEEEping, DanCing, MiSSinG aLFiE, fighting with jOOOEEEyy, CHeeSe, bEEin dumb and drUnk with jeSSi, proCrastiNating, wREstLinG pEOplE WheN I'M DRuNK, aNNoYiNg PeoPlE sO THeY yELL So I cAN lAUgh, faLLiNg, DAnCiNG tO ThE mUSiC i sInG iN mY HeAD, bEAtINg uP PeoPlE wHO maKE FuN of aLFiE Or saY mY mOm Is Hot, hAvIng lAUrlA Be mY TRaNslAToR, geTTinG loST cuz I SUCK at dIrEctIOns, dAnCIng LIkE a bIRd, mAKiNg bAd lIFe DeCIsIonS, cAR DanCIng lIKe aN iDiOT, lAUGhiNg tiLL I ALmOsT pEE oR mY FaCE hURts, sHaKIng My buTT, yeLLinG aT PeoPlE sPeCIaLLy sTUpId aSS bOUncErs,bLOwINg BuBBleS, bEIng A mAtUrE ReSpOnsIbLE ADuLt HAAaAaAaa

I'd like to meet:

Rob Dyrdek...John Travolta..Vince Gill..Taye Diggs..Channing Tatum.a monkey..someone who looooves lime runts..you know..


EvErythIng EXCEPT musical music, claSSical, jaZZ, blUegrAss, or countrY music bout dOgS ruNNiN AwAy and thEIr wIveS lEAvIn wItH thEIr brOtheR


SIXTH MAN!!!!, lOvE & baSKetBalL, sIImOn biRch, aLi G, sHe'S tHe MaN, gRAnDma'S BoY, mOre bUt I don'T kNOw


yEs DeaR, anTM, gReY's, losT, fUtUrAmA, rEAlIty shOws, nIP/TUck, bEAUty & tHe gEEk, enTouRAgE, FaMiLy fEUd, reBA



