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♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
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♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
♥Mz. Leea
my love life:
A little bit of info about me
Did you get over your ex or do u still love him/her?
i still love my ex, but he is selfish
Are you currently dating someone? we skipped dating
if you are do you love him/her?
yes we love each other & can't get enough of each other
would you date your ex again?
want 2 say no, but i think if he learned how 2 pay bills then i would say yeah
if no why not?
he's lazy, selfish, doesn;t like paying bills, and he's 2 jealous
How many people have you had sex with?
u r 2 nosey
did you love every single one you had sex with?nope
are you still a virgin?
how many times have you been in love?
3 or 4 times, i'm not sure about the 4th person we show love so different i don';t know if we love each other or hate each other
how many boy/girlfriends have you had?
is there an ex girl/boyfriend you cant stop thinking about? yeah but he's in prison for the next 10-15
if you answered yes then who is it?
harvey aka the best bf i ever had
do u like tall guys(girls)/short girls(guys)?
tall guys, the only short 1 i ever liked is mouse
who was your first kiss?
have u ever been in love with one of your friends?
yeah and it was a disaster
who did you loose your virginity to?
my first bf deangelo & it was perfect