We are Outside Reality. We are formerly known as Carrion. Right now we are working on our new CD and we can't wait until it's finished so we can start gettin it out to our fans!
Vocalist Lisa Mraz has been singing all her life. As a vocalist her biggest influence is Pat Benatar. Some of her other influences are Veruca Salt, Letters to Cleo, Tracy Bonham, The Misfits, Skid Row, Guns N Roses, and the Black Crowes among others. Lisa started taking voice lessons when she was 13 years old. She sang a lot in her school and church choir. Lisa likes singing all styles of music including, rock, pop, opera, and even country but rock and punk music is her favorite. She sang in a coverband called Boogie Freak Show about 7years ago and after a long break she decided it was time to get back out and sing again!
Ryan Nielsen has been playing guitar for about 10 years and his major influences are in rock and blues guitar. He studied rock and blues theory under a well known guitarist in SanDiego, California for about a year before moving back to Omaha. His major influences are Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, 70's rock and current rock music, but does not limit himself to just those genres.
Brian Whited plays rhythm guitar and is also known to some people as Shit head, Spawn of Satan, & Cuddle Bunny. Brian also plays bass. He has a wife n 3 kids. His hobbies are music, reading, baseball, and evangelical retreats. He uses Gibson Les Pauls, Fender Strats, Vox Amp, & Mesa preamps. Previous Bands he has played in Bent Crooked, Kashmir, Kick Start, Zen Archer, Shattered Zen. His favorite Bands are The Police, Big Country, Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers, John Mayer, & The Beatles. His dream gig would be to play bass for The Police, w/ Sting on rhythm guitar and he loves Tequila and limes.
Rodney our drummer is a middle aged balding white male with a drug problem that he could not kick while in rehab. He has 5 legitimate children and 6 illegitimate bastards. His passion is country music and fishing. Rodney is a recluse that hates all living things and wishes you would leave him alone so he can go spank his monkey!!! LOL