Drew Winters profile picture

Drew Winters

About Me

"The singer songwriter isn't lost, he's hiding out in a leafy suburb of Toronto. Drew Winters debut CD, 'Wanted Man' proves that with the right combination of words and music, a steady support crew in the musician/producer department and a feel for locking into the pocket, great music can still be achieved. In a kinder, gentler world, Drew would be a household name. Until that time, he's a household name in mine. 'Wanted Man' is a must-have collection of real music."

Greg Godovitz
Co-host of Rock Talk

My Interests


Member Since: 10/4/2006
Band Website: http://cdbaby.com/cd/drewwinters
Band Members: Performing on the 'Wanted Man' CD....

Steve Sherman - lead guitar, guitars, bass, drums, (and vocals on 'Manual Override' too. Anything this guy can't do?)

Suzie Burmester - acoustic and electric guitars, background vocals. My favourite rythym guitarist on the planet. (is that how to spell rythym?)

Drew Winters - pizza, beer, other supplies. Also piano, keyboards, lead and background vocals.

Also Karen Bell and Yvonne Way singing on 'All A Dream'.
Influences: Caffeine, Miller Genuine Draft, Stella Artois, Glenfiddich, Wolf Blass Cabernet Sauvignon
Sounds Like: This question always stumps me.... who do I sound like???? I have no clue. Maybe you could tell me, and I'll put your suggestions in this slot......
Record Label: Unsigned

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