MINDY profile picture


If you love me than...thank you, if you hate me than...FUCK YOU!!!

About Me

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My Interests

I am SPONTANEOUS as HELL, so its whatever! I love love love MuSIc, ArT, n PhoTogRAphy. However I really can't draw worth a shit, but I paint, sketch. I love my fuckn crayons, they are the shit n make ma feel professional..lol. My favorite right now is Robert Craig, and anything you would find in a juxtapoz magazine. Oh and I curse way too much & I am random as hell! I love a good challenge, fuckn do it challenge ma! I will take care of business times a thousand. Im up for nething, its fuckn whatev!! FUCKN DO IT!!

I'd like to meet:



Can't LIVE without it. Its MaGiCaL DeLiCiOUs!:/MUSIC=LIFE


Big fan, but no time! Thats why music is sooo... fuckn awesome, you don't have to watch it you just listen! But really if I know its a kickass movie I will make time.


I don't get to watch much t.v. But when I do I love C.S.I, Nip Tuck (hhmm hot sexy doctors), I can become somewhat obsessed with the food network (I love cooking), TLC, Project Runway, Animal Planet,Discovery channel, Dirty Jobs (I love that Mike guy),comedy central, cartoon network and so on.


If I had time I would read alot more, I usually read on my lunchbreak on our bathroom toilet,(its the only quiet place.) But just the basics for now, u know stop signs, street signs, magazines, mail... I do what I can..lol! hey if you can recommend a good book i'm up for it!


My Family n Friends....U bitches are the reason i will be here tommorrow, n the next day, n so on!

My Blog

Determined by Mudfucknvayne

man have u ever really listened to this song!! ....................the part where he says ............1........2.........3.................gooooooooo! u really have to learn to appreciate this part mo...
Posted by MINDY on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:23:00 PST


just fuckn blog it............ im so so so so fuckn relieved that ma computers fixed!! it was so so so so sick! i still dont know what ya did stine, but you rock.... u rockd ma socks off....and know i...
Posted by MINDY on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:28:00 PST

music babies? ;}

there is soooooo much music out there that i NEED to listen to!! i feel im running outta time. so many kickass bands sooooo little time...i need an extention or something!!! music im super obssessed w...
Posted by MINDY on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:28:00 PST

fuckn creeps

today is a great day for a new blog i think........ here the fuckn deal..... dont fuckn add me if u want a pretty face on ur fuckn page........im not here for that bullshit!! dont fuckn add ...
Posted by MINDY on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST

(((((My Kickass Day))))

                  Here is a little rap about our KICKASS DAY  !!!!!!      &n...
Posted by MINDY on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 05:43:00 PST