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Brian Hons

I'm the friendliest misanthropist you'll ever meet

About Me

Personality Strength
When Saviors put their mind to something, they do it to the extreme. If they want to learn Portuguese, they’ll play language tapes until they’re fluent. If Saviors want to relax, they’ll get in a bath tub, put on an eye pillow, and listen to a recording of whale mating calls. They also posses an impressive array of interests and talents. One day they’ll rock out to “Free Bird” on a guitar; the next day, they’ll explain quantum physics to an old lady on the bus; then, for kicks, they’ll knit you a toaster cozy.
Personality Weakness
Because Saviors notice and analyze everything around them, the onslaught of input they receive in an ordinary day can cause Saviors to grow anxious. They can’t shut off their nervous thinking, so they grow overwhelmed by the tiny details of life. Anxious thoughts play like a broken record for hours on end, especially at night. Saviors are often afflicted with insomnia, and sleepless nights lead to mental fuzziness during the following days. When Saviors grow confused, they tend to exhibit odd behavior. These unusually bright heroes can suddenly become absentminded. They’ll stare off into space for minutes on end. They may wander around a store for hours, trying to find the battery aisle, only to leave with shoelaces. They may flick burning ash into their lap while driving, then crash into a trashcan.
Let me make you your espresso.

My Interests

Picnics, photography, and espresso.

I'd like to meet:

Someone on their Rumpspringa
People who don't flake
Thomas Jefferson
People who aren't necessarily from West Philadelphia


, lots of


Go outside.


Hard Core Zen by Brad Warner and Ishmael by Daniel Quinn


"Answer my question and I will help you, but if you fail to answer I will take something of great importance from you... What takes but also passes?"
Heroes are fassssst

My Blog

Worse day ever

So I couldn't fall asleep last night until 3 am because the people I live with are loud and I was restless, so when I woke up at 7 am on 4 hours of sleep, I wasn't happy. The sun came up this morning...
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:38:00 PST

Toast goes pop!

[i]At breakfast, Claire conveyed the message that she had had enough. She did so very gently, very softly, playing with the gold chain around her wrist, tugging a little at the sleeve of an olive-gree...
Posted by Brian Hons on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 05:38:00 PST

New Years, an American Holiday.

This is the first New Year that ever made sense.  The turkey buzzards were illapsing and all the news anchors were dead.  And certainly there are things that have died for me as we...
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 12:51:00 PST


Abstractions leak out blackAfternoon emotional snack!I'll pass up writting about thisLeave others to say it bestLet my weary head hit the pillow and restSo damn cold in this houseBest kept company is ...
Posted by Brian Hons on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:39:00 PST

A Point

Every shadow is a pillar, an imposing figure.The structure I need and maybe want.Do I even breath in between, what is moisture and what is smoke?Every sound, every tree branch that breaks, a problem t...
Posted by Brian Hons on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:34:00 PST


The words fell like a dusting of snow, dampening everything, absorbing every stray vibration leaving the lucid air sterile. The coldness in your voice surrounded me. It filled me. It seeped in thro...
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Everyone should be aware of the current terrorist threat that is plaguing our nation. That's right! Right in the small town of Red Bank today three suspects were apprehended with media recording equip...
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Black, the White, and the Gray.

Not just beauty, but sanity as well, lies in the eye of the beholder; the black and the white but always so much more gray. From the dull median comes a psychological disorder. Nothing concrete to b...
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Gunshots are Empty

The silence punctuated by the most beautiful sound imaginable, sweet release. Air currents rippling outward, a hollow ping pierces the air, the gleaming brass of the spent cartridge hitting linoleum....
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Asphyxiation of the mind, saran wrapped thoughts. Slow and frightening; it takes time before they let go, kicking while choking out muffled screams. Azure tranquility as we lay in a state of ignoran...
Posted by Brian Hons on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST