Nate profile picture


More kids die on ATVs than on bikes. In other news, more kids die by shark attacks than by guppies

About Me

(my last name is Davis if you want to add me )I'm a normal guy, I always try to make people happy. i love heading to the bars with friends and i enjoy a good movie. If i can't make you laugh then theres something wrong with you and get away before i poke you with a stick. i'm just kidding, i'm court ordered not to poke people with sticks anymore. I'm a pretty smart guy, i know html and a few other computer languages but my typing skills need tons of improvement. I run my own Server for webpages and blogs, working on a Free image hosting server for the public. I'm a nerd at heart but the drinking, Paintballing, hiking and other things seem to keep it hidden.

My Interests

PaintBalling, Computers, Mountain Biking, Hiking ,Camping , Fishing , mini golfing -- yea i'm a PRO , couch surfing , Bars with Friends,

I'd like to meet:

You know this is a good question, I'm looking for someone to spend time with, Someone whos caring and would understand, i screw up like everyone else.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


Rock , country, Rap.. hell Everything I listen to bands like pearl jam, tool, snow patrol, elision, garth brookes, gary allan, stroke 9. if you got a band i need to listen too.. email me


Braveheart and forrest gump. my taste changes with my mood, hell last sunday I watched "10 things i hate about you" (nothing else was on and julia stiles is HOT)


I read alot , Tom clancy, da vinci code, tim allen actually had a few good books. I'll read just about anything.


Spiderman can't be a hero .. hell it took 2 movies to get the girl. i'm sure no female would want him leaving white sticky stuff all over the place anyways.

My Blog

Not a WackJob

Over the Last few days, everyone has been concerned with Gun Rights. I am not a Wackjob, i'm not going to go and shoot up any school or my place of work. I collected Guns and i shoot them in a respons...
Posted by Nate on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:59:00 PST

attempt at Super Hero Status by (almost) 2 yearold

Posted by Nate on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:00:00 PST


check out my blog READ MY BLOG
Posted by Nate on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 11:39:00 PST