*ReAdInG,dancing, mUziC, ParTYinG, sHopPiNg, TaKiN pIcS,and MoRe
*God*JeSuS*ViRgIn MaRy*EVE,to have a little one on one about this period business*My hUsBaNd T.I.,of course* AnYbOdY nEw-As LoNg aS yOuR fUn/ wAnT2 hAvE FuN! FlashContent
*BeYoNcE, My favorite is JaRrEau WaLkeR& WhItNeY rOlLinS,I lOvE yOuNg jOc,LeToYa lUcKeTt,KeLly cLaRkStOn,cHrIs bRowN, T.I.is my BOO,BoW wOw is mY hUsbAnD hate it or love it, Im liking YO GOTTI, Hip-Hop, RAP, r&b,Gospel, Rock,POP, all music really.......Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
* LeAn On mE, gEt RiCh oR dIe TrYiNg, BeLly, SaW1&2, Bring it on (all of them), Tyler Perry movies and play,
Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
* CaN't GeT eNoUgH oF FlAvOr Of LoVe*cSi:MiAmI*LaW oRdEr* NiP tUcK* AmErIcA's nExT tOp MoDeL* mY wIfE aNd KiDs* tYrA sHoW*
You scored as Joan. Woohu!! You're a Joan!! You have the gift of giving and letting others know that you're there for them no matter what. You stay true to what you believe in and let no guy come in and take that away from you. You go grl!!
*tHe BiBlE* sChOoL bOoKs*
*My MoM* GrAnDmA ShElIa* mY cUzN RiDa bEdA she was always there for my in high school I went through so much with her and I looked up to her wanted to be just like, she improved my cheer skills and i will never forget her*Below is Beyonce performing Dangerously in Love Live, this is one of my favorite songs of all times, it has a lot of memory behind for me and my cuzn Bree, and an ex-boyfriend, hope u all enjoy as i do... width="425" height="350" ..