Here are some products I would recommend, by some great MLMers.Click on the links to learn more.
Myron Golden
He is one the best trainers out there right now, hands down. His info is not generic. I don't know him that well, but every encounter with him has been great. Myron has some physical problems and still never used it for an excuse.
Bigger, Better, Faster MLM
This set is incredible information and definetely a must get. Like I said, nothing he says is generic. The price is good too.
Speedy Sponsor MLM Success Scripts
You've probably heard this before, but saying the wrong thing in the wrong tone, can KILL your income. If your company hasn't trained you in the right thing to say, you need to hear these. A script is not being fake, its just a way to always know the right thing to say, so you don't get nervous. Myron has scripts for warm market, cold market, leads, MLM leads, 3-way scripts, and more.
Success Operating System
This information is some of the most in depth info about creating a successful system for your team that is out there. It is costly, but its not for the timid. This is not for the person that is just "trying this MLM thing out." Its for the serious networker.
Tim Sales
Another very intelligent trainer in the MLM world that is becoming very well known. He's an ex-Navy guy. His main product is an MLM Script series.
Professional Inviter
This is an audio series that gives the different steps you use in "inviting" a prospect to a meeting, into your business, or a lead to look at your website. His scripts are pretty affective.
Tracy Biller:
Tracy Biller is one of the first to ever market the idea of recruiting other MLMers, rather than talking to your friends and family. He is not the only one to think this, but the first person to really train on it. His products are mostly about recruiting other MLMers. His newsletter is really really good. He's definetely not a generic beat around the bush type of guy.
Ultimate Success Cd's
Wealthy Affiliate
This is an Internet Marketing University per say. I literally have about about 50 different books, teleseminars, reports, and more on internet marketing and Google Adwords. But this is by far THE BEST resource out there. Firstly, its a membership site, so the information is always updated and recent. Also, you can actually contact the people that run the site and have them look at your Adwords campaigns and ask questions. There are also some other really successful IMer's in there to ask questions. Truthfully, I couldn't build a website nor have any idea how to drive traffic to a website before becoming a member here. By far the most importannt thing to do if you are taking your business online is to LEARN HOW FIRST.
Thats it for now!