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About Me

i love my friends- i have the most amazing bunch ever-ker,kate,matt,linds,steph,belle,ton,jay,mike,kev,dan. guitar hero wanna be perfectionist. mets fan 150%. just a lucky girl i guess.random trivia is the best. fabuous 4- i love you so much. its been so long, if not ever have i had what i have with you guys. "the pepto's" group dynamic is awesome. love you all. i am drunk and just gushing..... FROGGY STYLE!!!! i love my 2nd family......all the sibilings i could ever want, even with no blood relation-kate,bri,steve,biz and sara. its been an amazing 14 years and counting...... I work in the medical field, but i would give anything to work in the music field. its my passion, its what drives me. there is nothing like it in the world. FORGET REGRET OR LIFE IS YOURS TO MISS!pet friendly hotels myspace codes myspace layoutsMyspace Layouts Florists Myspace Video Codes
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i seriously have the most amazing friends. so if u think u can compete and wanna chit chat, go ahead and holler.


STEALING JANE,anberlin,greenday,three days grace,stp,nirvana,billy joel,mxpx,local h,rage,sublime,biggie,50 cent,g-unit,d-12,nofx,operation ivy,jimmy hendrix,santana,reel big fish,janis joplin,led zep,blur,bryan adams,james brown,traffic,eminem,johnny cash,social d,avril,sex pistols,billy bragg,sarah harmer,sting,beck,bouncing souls,ccr,beastie boys,dave matthews,maroon 5,john mayer,jason mraz,chuck berry and the list goes on and on.


matrix,big fish,goonies,breakfast club,willy wonka and the chocolate factory,finding nemo,hackers,say anything,blow,cruel intentions,wedding singer,happy gilmore,tommy boy,monsters inc,ice age,pulp fiction,trainspotting,true romance,reservoir dogs,shrek,lord of the rings trilogy,star wars(originals).the boy who could fly,office space,dazed and confused,16 candles,less than zero,ferris buellers day off,pretty in pink,the pick up artist,wizard of oz,oklahoma,kill bill vol 1&2


simpsons,family guy,malcolm in the middle,six feet under,oz,sopranos,entourage,fbi files,cold case files,i detective,medical detectives,american justice,er,law and order,crossing jordan,scooby doo,ed edd and eddie,johnny bravo,fairly odd parents,sponge bob square pants,saved,the closer,without a trace

My Blog


Leuce (mythology) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search.. start content --> Leuce was a nymph in Greek mythology, daughter of Oceanus, carried off by Hades, the god of the...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 01:34:00 PST


Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac, and you shouldn't take that lightly. You shouldn't take Scorpios lightly, either. Those born under this Sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about ...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:30:00 PST

sappy poem long overdue(to close it)

what made it hurt so muchis how hard you worked for my touchto put you off for so long and then let you in so strongnothing held backnever been like thatgave it all i hadwithout thinking or having a p...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:56:00 PST


  http://images.quizilla.com/Y/yourgoodfriend/1041831264_skiss myass.gif" border="0" alt="kiss my ass2">congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happybunny. You don't care about anyone or anything...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:10:00 PST


How to make a LoriIngredients:3 parts anger1 part silliness1 part empathyMethod:Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of emotion and a pinch of salt. Yum!Username:http://www.go-quiz.c...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:09:00 PST

haha. funny

♥Gerard and ♥LoriTrying to conceive twenty-eight thousand pre-paid children.Are aspiring to hug each other far too often.Are the perfect match. Orchestrated by ianiceboy ...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 05:34:00 PST

new years eve 05

ok. seriously. i have been very apathetic about the holiday season this year.we didnt even have a tree up this year. we cant decide what we wanna do or whats even worth doing NYE. some people are goin...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Thu, 29 Dec 2005 03:06:00 PST

thanksgiving eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here's the deal for all of you who want to do something memorable over Thanksgiving Break:<br /><br /> HyJinX is playing at Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel in Rhode Island on Wednesday, Novembe...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 06:16:00 PST


i just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made my b-day as awesome as it was. i havent had a good one like this in a while. it would have been even better if some people could have some out. they wl...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 10:43:00 PST

05-13-05 something cool to do!

SonicVision Friday the 13th Freakout Party at Mod in New York City Friday, May 13th 8 - 11pm Don't leave your Friday the 13th plans to chance... Get tickets to SonicVision in the Hayden Planet...
Posted by LoRsTaR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST