I have grown. I was smaller once. I have been growing and will continue to go on keeping on starting to finish ending to grow. Probably. ____________________________________________________________
I would like to release more music than I do actually. Therefore I should become more famous. Fast. Or at least fast enough to stop wasting time on things a seriously helpful manager could do much better.
I have not released anything yet. Except this small piece of 16bar-nearly-nothing with my homäy mattr singing and whistling in the background. As I was smart enough to recognise his ingeniousness two years before the others, I got some beautiful beats. They will be on the second or third release.
Coming 2007/2008: "Die Kehrseite des Besens".Beats by prim, mattr, rkns, desad, mewnless and vielleicht noch einer, den ich noch nicht gefragte. myspace is great.
But first I become famous as "form", check his profile, I like him. This is too important for me to waste energy on an audience of three that doesn´t care about art.