Jazz @ Dempseys profile picture

Jazz @ Dempseys

About Me

Jazz @ Dempseys is back..... situated upstairs in Irish Bar Dempseys, opposite the castle in the center of Cardiff. Our 2009 programme starts on the 20th January and will continue throughout the year on Tuesdays and most Wednesdays. Feel free to leave a message if you are after a gig or want more details.... Cheers Alistair, Brenda and Steve....................................................... ......................................................... Dempsey’s will be known to some as the old Four Bars as it was then known, one of the best venues for jazz in Britain. The venue showcases the rising and established stars of the South Wales jazz scene and across the globe. There is a great atmosphere and it is a real place for musicians to play and create...

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Member Since: 04/10/2006
Band Website: www.jazzatdempseys.org.uk
Band Members: Brandon Allen, Joe Auckland, Fraser Alibone, Jim Barber, Alan Barnes, Brigette Beraha, John Blease, Matthew Bourne, Brassjaw, Johnny Brierley, Jonny Bruce, Buena Risca Social Clwb, Burum, Tom Challenger, Evan Clegg, Laura Collins, Steve Coombe, Dempseys Big Band, Francisco D’Taba, Paul Dunmall, Geoff Eales, Peter Fairclough, Tom Farmer, John Farrow, Dylan Fowler, Kevin Figes, The Filthy Six, Robin Fincker, Full Circle Steve Fishwick, Martin France, Lee Goodall, Chris Gilligan, Leon Greening, Jones O'Connor Group, Dave Jones, Gethin Jones, Dick Hamer, Mark Hanslip, Jim Hart, Oli Hayhurst, Heavy Quartet, Peter Herbert, Jasper Hoiby, Chris Hyson, Tom Jackson, Thad Kelly, Gethin Liddington, Little Fish, Lleuwen, Ashley John Long, James Maddren, Robert Mitchell, Josh Morrison, Mujician, Christian Munthe, Becks Nash, Ivo Neame, Hod O’Brien, Chris O'Connor, Mark O'Connor, Os Sambistas, Outhouse, John Parricelli, Matt Price, Dick Roberts, Gareth Roberts, Osian Roberts, Round Trip, Matt Sage, James Sidlo, Dave Smith, Fraser Smith, Rory Simmons, Dave Stapleton Quintet, Taith Amser, Brad Thompson, Top Shelf Jazz, Paul Towndrow, Keith Tippet, Ryan Trebilcock, Richard Turner, Ben Waghorn, Huw Warren, Steve Waterman, Matt Wates Sextet, Blake Wilner, Wonderbrass, Zwzaz.
Type of Label: Major

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