Listening to music Sports - Yoga at the mo with my lovely hsemate Gem - hi gem! Socialising- to experience the new Bournemouth since leaving over 1yr ago, to catch up with old faces and certaintly getting to know the new ones. Dancing Reading- not recommended to take me to a book store when i have something important to do with my time. however i still do. at the mo i am currently reading Zadie Smith's (i think that is the right surname) 'on Beauty'.
Like minded people as well as the crazy ones, obviously take it all as a compliment.Passionate people in regards to life and interests.Informative - i like to learn something new everyday. i have led a sheltered life...Entertaining, to make me giggle and laugh till i have to stop to take a breather otherwise i may pass out.
RnB Hip Hop Indie/Rock Acoustic Dance
Leon Indie Jones Adventures Serendipity Love Actually - i only half got that film Last Man Standing- my man! Bad Boys-mmm the car and Will Smith together General-comedy; action; thriller; romantic flicks
Dont watch much these days due to less exposure of cable but liked Sex and City-Lost-Friends-Channel 4- Charlotte Church show- The Friday Night Project (would love to be in the audience to get those fivers! Will be bringing a whip to beat the others off-whose the mama now!); Desperate Hsewives; Ugly Betty (when i can, after watching Devil Wears Prada)
Dan Brown's Few times educational Dorothy Dunnett - teenager Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe chronicles - that rocks. i was middle school age obviously Zadie Smith I think i need to expand on author taste...
My mama My best friends - well, they're angels really but they save me countless of times so they are rightly categorised here.