sarah[b.] profile picture


life is sooooo good! i have everything i need. the best boyfriend ever. and i live with my best frie

About Me

i'm 17.
i wish i was 18.
i'd move out.
my favorite colors are aqua and black.
i have 19 pairs of converses.
i paint my finger nails black cause i try to be emo.
i got most of my hair back.
well enough to dye black and redish pink
i never have enough money.
my car is the bomb, its a 92 saab, and i look hot in it, like a sexy little pirate, cause that's what i am, a sexy little pirate.
i hate school, but i wanna just get it over with.
i'm not good at school, thats why i'm going to beauty college.
you dont have to be smart to get into Paul Mitchell.
i went to africa this november and didnt meet my husbund.
i shaved my head cause my stupid ass friend dared me to then he flaked out, but what a suprise, he is kyle.
i dont really like my family, but my dad puts gas in my car so i cant complain.
my favorite word is skank.
i wish i could skate board like stacy parelta, i know lance mountain, and you wish you could surf like me, cause i surf, in the ocean, and i'm a pro, and you wish you were like me.
i'm going to san diego for spring break.
to surf
the whole time.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

talking on the phone♥
staying up late talking ♥
being a pirate♥

I'd like to meet:

stacy peralta.
john robbinson.
a beautiful blue eyed blond haired surfer with wash board abs and who is really really tan.
someone who can tell me where snot comes from.


hellogoodbye relient k hawk nelson beach boys mamas and the papas panic! at the disco fall out boy a dream too late eisley faling up RENT afroman


green street hooligans night at the roxburry little shop of horrors lords of dog town


i'm addicted to one tree hill


anything except fantacy


chuck taylor aka Mr. converse

My Blog

one tree hill

so, i'm pretty much convinced one tree hill is either the best show ever made or the worst. i cant decide if it makes me feel better cause my life dosnt suck that bad or if it makes me feel worst caus...
Posted by sarahboles on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST


trust is an interesting thing. i thought i trusted people. but i thought wrong. i trusted people with my life. i trusted people with the most important things of my life. but that was the biggest mist...
Posted by sarahboles on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 05:44:00 PST