i'm 17.
i wish i was 18.
i'd move out.
my favorite colors are aqua and black.
i have 19 pairs of converses.
i paint my finger nails black cause i try to be emo.
i got most of my hair back.
well enough to dye black and redish pink
i never have enough money.
my car is the bomb, its a 92 saab, and i look hot in it, like a sexy little pirate, cause that's what i am, a sexy little pirate.
i hate school, but i wanna just get it over with.
i'm not good at school, thats why i'm going to beauty college.
you dont have to be smart to get into Paul Mitchell.
i went to africa this november and didnt meet my husbund.
i shaved my head cause my stupid ass friend dared me to then he flaked out, but what a suprise, he is kyle.
i dont really like my family, but my dad puts gas in my car so i cant complain.
my favorite word is skank.
i wish i could skate board like stacy parelta, i know lance mountain, and you wish you could surf like me, cause i surf, in the ocean, and i'm a pro, and you wish you were like me.
i'm going to san diego for spring break.
to surf
the whole time.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4