alexis profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i like inside jokes, being young at heart, art history, road trips, pop punk sing alongs on road trips, and genuine friendships with genuine people.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

My Interests

Boyfriend. My pitbull. My kitties Moving to Boston. Bike riding. MLB. Collecting records. Cooking. Baking. Playing Scrabble, especially with my cousins. Art History. Art and History in general.

I'd like to meet:

people who know the value of friendship & respect.
and who will play scrabble with me.


new found glory, blink-182, have heart, blacklisted, mae, set your goals, frank sinatra, minus the bear, city & colour, the descendents



Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Girls Next Door, The O.C. , Nip/Tuck, Scrubs, Flight of the Conchords, Boy Meets World, The Golden Girls, Mythbusters, The Food Network


The Little Prince, The Great Gatsby, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, Cannery Row, A Piece of Cake, One More Day


If we live on in hearts we leave behind, then we will never die.

my mother.

Rest In Peace

Denise Marie Hickson
8/31/58 - 9/7/05

i love you so much ♥

I'm missing you to death, but it's all for the best, I know.

and Dr. Drew, of course <3

My Blog

evaluation of 2005

i've had some life-changing events that's happened in 2005, and i wanted to write them down & share a little bit with people..& to let the people that i shared those experiences with or helped...
Posted by alexis on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 10:03:00 PST

girls only sleep over

day started out like usual....the girls getting ready, doing hair & nails & shit like that. chelsey is the queen of french manicures. 2 of my favorite girlsss we went to the mall, where ch...
Posted by alexis on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:35:00 PST


so i'll say it right now...I FUCKING LOVE TELINA & HER BIG TITTIES <3i love how she was down to go to vegas.& i love how she's a fucking champ when she got caught going.& fuck that poli...
Posted by alexis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fill this out

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. ...
Posted by alexis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST