Some interesting facts about me. Of course, we all feel they're interesting, since we're basically all self-serving schmucks. But anyways, here goes...
I love to fly and even love turbulence. The only thing I fear while flying is spilling my drink. Oh and crashing. Crashing definitely sucks.
I've never had a roommate and I'm not sure I ever can. I'm sure I'll live alone until I get into that ultra serious relationship. Or when I am poor and need to mooch off of someone. Lock your doors!
The greatest era of music was the 80's, primarily the hair bands. Life was a complete party. And AIDS only really began showing up in full force at the end of it. Damn you Kurt Cobain for killing my favorite time of music!!!
I love to have a good time, which can be doing something laid back or active. And I do see movies alone. I don't get why people are so hung up on going to see a movie with someone. You can't talk during a movie, so what's the point? Of course, you're also probably that ass who was sitting behind me the other night who had to give a play-by-play of every scene.
I'm usually happiest when around friends or those I care about. However, since I live about 800 miles from home, those people tend to be few and far between. Maybe I should get some Sea Monkeys.
I love to travel. If you ask me to go to Vegas, you don't have to ask twice. Just tell me when and I'm there!