My name is Natalie Rose and I'm a solo R&B artist from the T-dot. I also write, rap, record, compose and produce music. I LOVE MUSIC! It's the soundtrack to my life. But now, I would like to write my own musical score in my life. I do this not for fame but as a way of expressing myself and my perspective. Y'know it's been said that The Most High, helps those who help themselves and that's exactly what I'm doing. But along the way, I've been inspired by and have collaborated with some good friends of mine known as D.A.B.L.O.C.K and SOUL-O. These guys will put you on the game fo real, though. Right about now we puttin together a little company known as BLOCK BA$ICS PRODUCTIONS INC. a.k.a BBP that will contribute something new but different - engaging and timeless. Holla atcha girl and support independent artists!
Layout by CoolChaser