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About Me

Ajaran Tao yang bercampur dengan pribadi yang sofis.
ketika objektifitas tidak berfungsi! yang ada hanya subjektif dan relatif yang nyata.
Humanis yang mengabaikan personalitas,sehingga terjadi benturan nomena spiritual tanpa batas.HENING dan BISU!
aku masih menikmati kesendirian-ku,sampai aku menemukan perempuan maronit yg mencintaiku seperti seorang humanis
Dunia-ku telah bercucuran jatuh ke alam utopis yang mengakibatkan transparansi terpendam dalam ego-ku tampak dalam sifat yang kutulis dengan kata “anarki”
menyedihkan adalah ketika aku tidak dapat membasahi bibir keringmu dengan madu, karena kelembutan bukan sehalus sutra, namun vibrasi dari cinta yang ku-lancarkan melalui ego-ku keatas bibir merahmu.
selamat datang "maniakal" dari dunia Maniko-Depressiva
Tulisan-ku setelah terkontaminasi warna cintamu!
Sampai aku menemukan keabadian dalam perjalanan non-teoritis, dan menghabiskan kredit prestasi kedalam tumpukan mahoni dibawah granit bertuliskan namaku pada masa putih rambutmu.
-to be continue-

My Interests

60s Psychadelic Poster and Pop-Art, Photography, Digital Imaging, Digital Painting, Motion Graphic,Graphic Design,2D & 3D Animation,PixelArt,Architecture, Religion, Psychology, Politic, Healthy Food

I'd like to meet:

Emyra "Superstar" (pacarku sayang!) muach..muach...

Jimmy Flamion, Allan McGee, David LaChapelle, Alan Moulder, Johnny Goat, Michel Gondry, Kim Gordon, David Fincher, Spike Jonze, Stanley Kubbrick, Jonas Arkelund, Mark Romanek,George Lucas, Hayao Miyazaki, Satoshi Kon


Let me tell you about music!
First step, Stop Music Piracy!
Morrissey (The Smiths) if you dont know him! you sucks!
the story of the great music to me: the Frogs cobain old friends (the fucking cool band ever!),i think billy corgan was infected by them, and then Smashing Pumpkins Lull to ZeitGeist!
I'd rather listen any Creation Records Product, Some compilation like Creation Soup, Noise Anouys (tribute to helter Skelter), NME Creation Pricelist,etc, and keeping C86 alive than i'd listen music born in 90's. May you Should listen The Legend, Boo Radleys, BiffBangPow, Jasmine Minks, Jesus and MaryChain, Oasis, My Bloody Valentine, BMX Bandits, SuperFurryAnimals, TeenageFansClub, Ride, PrimalScream, Egg, Sugar.
a Flat man "Ivor Cutler"
Burning with AC/DC
The Beatles
Fashion Revolution DEVO
The Multitalent BECK & Nellie Mckay
Depressiva Sigurros and Radiohead
the Fake Liam Lynch
Lord of P.U.N.K Iggy Pop
an Unique Ian Dury
too dark Depeche Mode
Imaginary The Cure
auto-suggestion Mew
Ultra Vivid Scene
too fast Beastie Boys
oldschool GasHuffer
punk? Violent Femmes
fact VelvetUnderground
Shakespeare Sister
Belle and Sebastian
Voxtrot indonesian cool music:
every band from Sound of Indie My Band! Dikeroyok Wanita
Connection Blur
The Porno
and the other local music :
the master Iwan Fals
Cool of retro Naif
the Upstairs


every animation made by studio giblhi (HayaoMiyazaki)
Paprika (Satoshi Kon)
FightClub, Se7en (david fincher)
THX1138 (george lucas)
Try(Jonas Arkelund)
FullMetalJacket/ Clockwork Orange(stanley kubrick)
Eternal Sunshine, Sience of sleep (michel gondry)
Simon Birch
The Simpsons
Beavis and Butthead
The Golden Compass


Raised by television! hehehe...
Oliver's Twist
Good Morning (karena saya bosan dengan berita tentang kebusukan indonesia, seperti formalin,ayam suntik,pemalsuan produk, pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, korupsi, demonstrasi yang merusak,dll) Welcome to indonesia! Pal!


a Novel Andy Warhol
Saman|Larung|SiParasitLajang AyuUtami
Catcher In the Rye J.D.Salinger
Huis Clos Jean-Paul Sartre
Blinking With Fist Billy Corgan
Saying of Lao Zi
The Art of Rock Grushkin
Hotel Lachapelle|Lachapelle Land David Lachapelle
Also Sprach Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzsche


Andy Warhol, Oscar Wilde, Jean Paul Sartre