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I am here for Friends

About Me

So here's a little about myself.. I am a mother of two amazing lil' children. I have lived a life that most never will. Traveled from place to place, in search of me. And never really found me; just a whole new perception on who "me" is. I have came to the conclusion "me", is nothing but a title, for everyone to seek. "Me" as I view myself is nothing like anyone else would view me. I am but a shell, placed on this earth to innertwine myself with everyone else. I am here for you. Myself will never understand any other purpose but that. And I have finally became happy with that. I am sarcastic. I am full of life! I am extremely spurr of the moment, hair up my ass, kinda girl! If given the oppurtunity to jump a plane and escape to Ireland. I would be there in sec! I love experiance. I do not enjoy learning from others mistakes! LET ME MAKE MY OWN! :) I appreciate advice and opinions, but that doesn't me I will always take them. I make bad choices, and turn them around to be a life experiance that no other could ever imagine. I dream of a forgotten world where everything that is real, is nothing but chaos. I love everyone once! You do me wrong and there is a heck of a wall to climb to redeem yourself. My friends are my family, and my family is solid and fucking fierce! :) That's why I love them! I was born in South Dakota, but perfer to claim myself as an Alaskan! I love the outdoors! I love the sun, but the sun has different feelings towards me. I am Irish, and proud! I do not hate anyone! But have very strong dislikes towards few. I try my best to be what people expect! But absolutely love watching people squirm when they find out who I am! I live for my children before anyone else. And I will do whatever it takes to raise them right. I am a mother, a friend, a sister, an aunt, and the best damn thing you will ever know!

Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If you can intrigue me through conversation, you have won me, if not it's nothing but a waste of breath. Meet.. Hmm.. I would meet a thousand dead people, just to learn about life. I would ask them questions, and advice and take note of all of it. I would find the truth of life after death, and make a journal of all their experiances. I would meet people that have changed the world. Not presidents, the people who would lead one another to gain strength in numbers and promote their-self beliefs. I would meet directors, and ask them what happens in their heads. I would meet long lost family, to learn more of me. I would meet my sister, to read the letter my mom wrote her before she died. I would meet serial killers, and investigate their sick minds. I would meet people with life experiances simular to mind. I would meet people that would provide me with the knowledge of life to continue on with out doubt, worry, and fear.

My Blog

Selfish men are not good partners...

They can buy smokes, gatoraid, beer, sandwiches.  But you ask 4 10 bucks to play bingo and its a no?!  Whats he going to do with the rest of the money?!  Beer, smokes, gatoraid, sandwiches.  Becaus he...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Aug 2009 15:17:00 GMT

Quick Venting!

Posted by on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 15:43:00 GMT

voices in my head...

So on occasion.  I find myself debating to listen the words that spill from the far back of you mind. The ones that you tell to be quiet.  You don't want to know those words.  And then situations aris...
Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 11:03:00 GMT

Because I love you..

So, when I do something, with your heart in the right, place to help someone.. Why in the hell do you get hurt?  I hope that someday you realize it was because I love you and worry about you.&nbs...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:41:00 GMT

Seriously.. The stupidity of some people!!!!

Why is it that people who seem to be mature, suddenly fall into a lapse of childhood stupidity!  Sometimes I ? if there is reason for it.. If its a certain part of the brain that takes over and w...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 21:08:00 GMT

Side by side, I travel alone... Go figure right?.... If only "you" knew....

Do you ever feel like your extremly alone.  And not a soul understands your thoughts.  That's kind of where I am today.  I mean I really shouldn't feel down and ugh.  But for a few...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 15:55:00 GMT

Violent J MMMM. :) I Love Joe Bruce :)
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 19:36:00 GMT


WOO HOO SO I AM LEGALLY OFFICIALLY FINALLY DIVORCED!!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!!  :)  HELLO!!! I'm Megan Hope Violet Corcoran! PLEASE TO MEET YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!! :)WOO HOO I  AM FREE!!!!!!!...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 21:13:00 GMT

Avoid the negative, live for the positive, fuck the past, and forgive the future!

Have you ever found yourself happy, to discover your happiness is wrapped in drama?  Have you ever forgotten that smiles fade?  Have you ever noticed that the little things in life are reall...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 10:52:00 GMT

Authority, or pure obssesion...

So.. I find myself with the daunting questions.  And I fear that time is closing in on me to escape once again.  I refuse to admit the fact that running from it all is better than being here...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 14:04:00 GMT