--CREATED FOR EXCELLENCE--It's time to color outside the lines. I am a rebel with a cause! It's time to live a life of significance. WERE we put here for a purpose beyond ourselves, or merely focus on ourselves and live a selfish life? It's time for servanthood. It's time to stop making excuses and time to make things happen. It's time to become a leader, to earn respect, to find the 2%. It's time to get rid of my off switch!!! My mission is urgent, my strength--supernatural, my God is Real. I will not give up give in or LIE DOWN. I will work on the task, even when it's overwhelming. My time here is limited, my calling and vision is crystal clear. I'm going to do what I know how to do, as best as I know how! It's only the person who risks who will ever be free!!! www.welcometoperfect.com
"Let me remind you that it is only by working with an energy which is almost superhuman and which looks to uninterested spectators like insanity that we can accomplish anything worth the achievement. Work is the keystone of a perfect life. Work and trust in God." -Woodrow Wilson