I'm a very confused little girl who loves to be spoiled.
December 05, 2006
Who am I? Well this horoscope that a friend sent me sums me up pretty well. 90% at least.. so save this for a rainy day. Enjoy!
In the East, the Tiger symbolizes power, passion and daring. A rebellious,
colorful and unpredictable, character, he commands awe and respect from
all quarters.
The Tiger is a fortunate person to have around, provided you are prepared
for all the activity that comes along with his dynamic personality. The
impulsiveness and vivacity of the Tiger person are contagious. His vigor
and love of life are stimulating. He will arouse every sort of emotion in
people, except indifference. In short, the captivating Tiger loves being
the center of attention.
Restless and reckless by nature, the Tiger is usually impatiently geared
for action. However, because of his suspicious nature, he is prone to
waver or make hasty decisions. He finds it hard to trust others or to
quell his emotions. He is equally sincere, affectionate and generous.
What's more, he has a marvelous sense of humor.
Every Tiger has the humanitarian touch in him. He loves babies, animals,
jazz or anything that can catch his imagination and attention for the span
of the moment. When he gets involved, his involvements are total.
Everything, even breathing, will have to take second place to the object
of his adulation. He is never halfhearted about his endeavors, and one can
trust the Tiger to give 100 percent of himself or even more if he had it
in him to do so.
The more sensual types usually have a fling at the bohemian life in their
youth. Some never grow out of it. Adventurous models seeking romance in
Paris, budding painters displaying their waves on street corners, amateur
bands on the road, one-night-stand pop singers or ambitious actors working
on shoestring budgets are all more likely to be Tiger children than flower
children. This may be because, aside from being an optimist, the Tiger is
just not materialistic or security conscious.
He must have one phase in his life in which he acts out his impulses--play
all the fantastic roles he has cut out for himself. A chance to thumb his
nose at what he disapproves of. A time to lash out at society and scoff at
binding traditions. The Tiger must express himself, find his identity and
shape his personality, and if rebellion or open defiance of accepted modes
will offer him the opportunity, then that's the road he will take. Could
one love him any less for these imperfections, if they can be labeled as
such? No, nine times out of ten we find ourselves rooting for him. We may
shake our heads at his audacity and gasp at his insane acts of daring, but
just the same we never forget to say a silent prayer for him and feel we
have experienced a war personal triumph when we see him succeed.
When the Tiger is dejected he will need cartloads of sincere, undiluted
sympathy. Don't rationalize about who is right and who is wrong. Logic
does not appeal so much to him. That's beside the point. Don't be stingy
about comforting him. He would do twice as much for you if the situation
were reversed. He will love to hear your words of wisdom and hang on to
every kind word of advice. But this doesn't mean that he will take it.
There is a difference, you know. It never pays to be arbitrary wit this
Better just hold his hand and wait till he talks himself dry, bounces all
his feelings off of you and collects all the pieces of his shattered ego.
Then, he will kiss you, hug you and let you go off feeling like you have
just put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
After he packs you off, well, in all probability he will go out and do
exactly what he was planning to do in the first place.
No matter how down and out the Tiger is, no matter to what depths of
despair and depression he plunges, don't believe for one moment that he
will ever say die! There will always be a tiny spark left somewhere in
that unquenchable spirit of his to rekindle the fire and start him living
and loving all over again.
A bit too intense to rely on in times of stress, the Tiger is still
renowned for his ability to sway the crowd. At his best, he is warm,
sensitive and sympathetic. At his worst, he is obstinate, unreasonable and
The lady Tiger is the most charming and radiant of hostesses. She can
combine home and social life with aplomb. Solicitous, vibrant and
absolutely disarming, she is a sweet little kitten only because this act
gets her good reviews. But don't taunt her, she keeps her claws sharpened
just in case she has need of them.
Fashion-conscious, articulate and liberated, the Tigress likes to pamper
herself and can spend hours experimenting with new hair styles, makeup and
costumes. She is the type who is constantly lamenting that she has nothing
to wear. Actually she is at home just as much in blue jeans as with haute
couture. Give a ball and she will turn out to stun them every time. She is
great with the children, too. She tells lovely stories, mimics and makes
fun of herself, flashes her brilliant smile and, most of all, endears them
to her forever by bending all the rules in their favor. When she is
around, they can have sweets before dinner, double helpings of ice cream
and stay up late for their favorite TV program. Strange to say, her
children are no more spoiled than others. They learn their lessons well.
Perhaps this is because, after she shows she loves them, she makes sure to
enforce the law. She makes them mind their manners, and if they perform
well, she is extremely generous with rewards. There will be picnics
galore, trips to the zoo and the national parks, or boating and fishing
expeditions, Now how can anyone resist that?
Like the Dragon and Rooster, the Tiger native has a super ego. Money,
power and fame will mean nothing if his ego is hurt. Thwarted, the Tiger
could turn out to be the meanest and pettiest bully you ever came across.
he will go to any length to get revenge, even to bringing the house with
him. Little slights will enrage him, but he may let big issues pass
without a fuss. Just remember, he hates being ignored!
Paradoxically, his two main shortcomings in life will be his rashness on
one hand and indecision on the other. If he can learn to take the middle
of the road, the Tiger will be a roaring success.
At heart, the Tiger is a romantic. He is playful yet passionate and
sentimental all at the same time, and it will be quite an experience being
in love with or married to one. he or she is also inclined to be
overpossessive and quarrelsome when jealous.
The first stage of the Tiger's life will probably be the best. In these
formulative years, he could be taught to keep a tight rein on the
explosive emotions which could be the ruin of him. In his youth and prime,
the Tiger will be absorbed in the pursuit of success and the fulfillment
of his dreams. His old age could be calm if he could learn to give up the
front seat and just relax. However, this will be difficult as he will be
plagued by bittersweet regrets about the things he did and did not do.
On the whole, the Tiger's life will be volatile. It will be filled tot he brim with laughter, tears, pain, joy, despair and every conceivable emotion in the book. If there is one thing one should never do it is to feel sorry for him. He won't need it, either he can only love life if he is allowed to live it to the hilt in whatever manner he chooses. The Tiger is the ultimate optimist who will always bounce back for fresh challenges.