B.C.T. profile picture


Blast N' Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

This is my solo project.I also play guitar and sing in Sulaco,play drums in the newest version of Kalibas called Lazers and occasionally play in Nuclear Assault.Former bands include Lethargy,Kalibas and Mungbeandemon. B.C.T. – The Life & Times of Steven CharacterConceived in a thick haze of flatulence and other suspicious airborne activity in 1996, Blatant Crap Taste is the one-man grind machine from Rochester, NY native and technical metal juggernaut, Erik "pinchmaster" Burke. Formerly the creative mastermind behind legendary underground sensations, Lethargy, and current Sulaco and Nuclear Assault guitarist, the multi-talented Burke handles all the instruments on this 77-song squealography that would literally suck the Tin Man right through a keyhole. Sustained, explosive bursts of humorous intensity is the prime agenda of B.C.T., and via Burke’s construction of labyrinth-like mazes of crooked riffing and torrential blast beats, he yanks and twists the listener through a schizophrenic 64 minute minefield of unpredictable aural acupuncture. Despite the prickly nature of the hyper-kinetic, porcupine-needle guitar style, there is an absolute punchdrunk magnetism and sense of groove in the songwriting that slithers and winds itself into your permanent memory. The Life & Times of Steven Character is an essential release for fans of quirky, rhythmically complex extreme metal of the Human Remains/Cephalic Carnage variety, and is truly a testament to the immense talent and staggering creativity of the original Rochester berserker, Erik Burke. Guaranteed to unfold your brain into shrapnel-shaped pieces of THC-stained origami.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/20/2005
Band Website: check out yawn factory on myspace
Band Members: Erik Burke-vocals,guitars,bass and drums
Influences: beer'n weed,midgets
Sounds Like: a bong
Record Label: Yawn Factory Records-Rochester,N.Y.
Type of Label: Major