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I get the best new MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.com !
tgr homestyle productions
.. Background By Layout Pimps (N/A all songs written by youngteen.the 1st solo album by youngteen is BROKE BUT RICH which is still upcoming and was creadted the year of 2000-01.the 2nd album by youngteen is SURVIVAL UV DA FINISH which iz still upcoming and was created in the year of 2002-4.the 3rd album by youngteen is GONE TIL DECEMBER which is still upcoming and was created the year of 2005-6 and all songs and albums are written completed by youngteen.still more to come and still seeking promotionals and sponsors for the label/artist tgr youngteen)He was born in Ala, raised in the streets of louisville Ky.He has 4 brothers and 1 sister that was raised with him through out his child hood life.His parents deceased wile at 24
months.He was tooken in by his aunt Dinah witch lived in Louisville Ky, along with his brothers and sister(witch she moved back to Ala after settling down)along with his next oldest brother and thats when his real life begun.At age 12, his brother went to prision for arm robbery and still remains in prison.Right before then his sister met this guy name A-kill in Murderwood projects in Ala.Then, he was introduced to the doap and rap gane but already knowing what his brother taught him before being incorcerated(to keep his head up and always find a way to pop back up just inacse).Maken music at age 13 wasn't taken to seriously by clifton but maken money was.Too young to have a job at the time, he was needind money like an adult so he husstle, some dogs show love, some cats hated him and was feared in the mind by his lyrics and street ways but never bothered by the haters he continues to husstle and gain more knowledge in the gane.Bout the time he turn the age of 15, he was writing music to the profection, underground(without recording.Selling drugs with the old G's, maken small paper to feed him and his fam.In louisville, at age 15,clifton joined his first rap group,criminal rercords even though, local at the time teen still had dat God's given gift.After awile, the group changed its name to Rock It Up records ,there he recored his first(in the studio)song off that.It was a hit going through sheaperd square projects but recording song after song.At age 16,he went to jail for his fisrt time charged with posession of cocaine(5grms).Also he was in a bad car reck with one of rock-it-members.Teen wuz thrown out the winshield on to da concrete leaven him serveral stitches n his head(thank god).Teen was repeatly going to jail after his first time.He ran with a gang of guys thats was stilling cars every single mourning,although teen never stolen a car,he drove them and tried to sell them.His 1st,2nd, and 3rd charge was for stolen goods and posession of cocaine and weed being getting locked up over the same charges,Clifton decided to play the law,he switched up social security numbers,played as some one else and went to an adult facility,running from boot camp.After a wile they caught up with him and he served 6 months in juvy and was shifted to Lake Cumberland boot camp(near Glasgow KY) he sits for 7 months."He was worked like a wild animal inside boot camp,cutting trees,swing blading,picking up logs, and more" saids (youngteen).Still the whole time he was writing song after song.Coming up with the album Broke but Rich had him occupied the whole 13 months and some.Finally getting released off in a redneck town called McCeary County, were there were all white folks and no blacks.He stayed in a foster home and went back to high school.He drew a check every month or about $873.He left his foster home and got a small place around the corner from his foster home.He got a job up the block from home.He put cameras on his apartment,big screens,playstations, and furniture.He met this guy up the street that had a studio.He was invited to work along with them and record and they was feelin him like they never felt anyone before.Word got around school that teen was a big rapper.All the girls felt him and he was invited to about everything in McCeary County.From his house,he had got that doap connection once again.He was put on by white boys,cocaine,hard,weed,and meth". saids teen