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About Me

Howdy, my name is eD. I'm very laid back. I am a radical feminist and atheist. My best friend is my girlfriend. I play video games (also for my job), Magic: the Gathering, Gameboy (for none other than Pokemon games), and read lots of books. I usually like to hang out with friends and meet new friends, so message me.AIM name is: mysterymannoted
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Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

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My Interests

Remote controlled cars, real cars, video games, being funny, some anime, hanging out with friends, playing Magic: The Gathering, sex, breadsticks, bread in general...wait make that breadsticks, THEN sex.

I'd like to meet:

I have a permanent girlfriend who is bi so maybe any hot bi girls out there? And anyone that wants to get to know me would be cool.I would like to meet someone that thinks they can beat me in any Tekken or Gran Turismo game. :P


Rob Zombie is my favorite. Weird Al is funny. I like about 4 songs from Junkie XL. And some other bands that I only like 1 or 2 of their songs so I won't list them...


ATHFCMFFT. My friends and I make stunt videos called Children at Play.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Smallville, Desperate Housewives, Robot Chicken, South Park, Futurama


Any "Magic: The Gathering" books. "The God Delusion" -Richard Dawkins


Myself, Feminists, Atheists

My Blog

Arguing Rules

1. Calling someone names and then not explaining why you call them that does not mean you have made a valid point. 2. Being the person who runs away from an argument does not make you the winner. 3. N...
Posted by eD on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 04:01:00 PST