Hey there,
My name is Elisa, and I'm Italian. I'm 18 years old, I attend at the Artistic School of Urbino and finally got a car.
I like my country, but recently I've noticed a lot of interests who surely will take me away from there very soon. I regard myself as an artist, because I've the insane attitude to imagine strange things who'll hardly come out of my head. My biggest trouble is how to take them out.
I'd like to be a movie-director or a book illustrator. I'm working hard to be at least either of them
Come to see my works @Â http://hoppiipolla.deviantart.com
My character was moulded by things who were really negative; but now I'm more positive than in the past. I always been self-pyting, thinking about only my person could have negative experiences. Only recently I've turned optimistic, whatewer the outcome of the undertaking may it be. I was searching for some balance and it seems like I've finally found it.
Sometimes I can't make it on my own (like Bono says) that's why I'm thankful to whatever stands upon our heads for giving me a bunch of very special friends, and him.
I'm a tireless traveller.
I've been in Maldives, Norway, Caribbean Sea, Marocco, Spain, England, France, Egypt, Yucatan, Mexico. The last travel I've done..hum, Liverpool, to see 30 Seconds to Mars.
Next step: California! From San Francisco to LA....
Italian Echelon Member ~ R-Evolution Division