Traveling, Socializing, Eating, Drinking, Laughing, Talking, Wandering (MONA!!), Walking (not running), Tanning, Streching, Diversity, Shopping, Working, Music, Fashion, Religion and Cultures.. And more..
James Baldwin, Lasse Peking, Dalai Lama, Oprah and alwaaays my other half-MY SIS LINDA, love you..
Reggae, Hip hop, Dancehall, Dub, Soul.
Only the old ones, new movies are way to long and it makes me bored. Favorites are off course, Green Fried Tomatoes, Grease, The Color Purple.
Almost never watch it.
The Fire Next Time, Mr. Nice, The Picture of Dorian Gray, A Million Little Pieces, Damage Done, Happiness by Dalai Lama, The Da Vinci Code.
James Baldwin, Dalai Lama.