Wilky profile picture


You say smile I say cheese. Cartier I say please.

About Me

NO REGRETS.... But i hate goodbyes. how i think of it that there isnt a such thing as goodbye, just a start of something different. you cant look back and dwell, just look ahead and be happy for the times you had...SOoOo pretty much me in a nutshell... :) i lov to live and i live to lov. Smilings my Favorite.

My Interests

Im not that dumb, i just dont think before i speak. And i smile a lot only bc i dont know whats going on half of the time.

I'd like to meet:

I WANT TO MEET OPTIMUS PRIME (i want him to be my buddy...)!!!! :) :) :P but meanwhile..... Whoever! i dont mind... i lov people, just be real and true to yourself. Dont let them get to you..... Here is an amazing quote from a powerful teacher i recently met. "You go where you're looking.." Need i say more. :)


Name it..... I lov it. dont really want to be catigorized. :)


Name it... I lov it. esp. Adam Sandler's work ..hmmm..gets me all warm and fuzzy inside :) OKOK!!!! i Lovlovlov LOVE ACTUALLY and ELF....(Bahar thats my Califorina bedtime, all time movie.)


How to make lov like a Porn Star ~ Jenna Jameson (LOVVV HER!). Invisable Monsters (in the reading still but so far WOW!).


R.I.P. Grandpa Bob, Grandma Ireene and Grandpa Len. R.I.P. Brendan 6.16.1987 ~ 9.8.2006 Thank you for being our angel. You will live on forever in our hearts. xo I cant believe your gone, R.I.P. Heath Ledger 04.04.1979~ 01.22.2008...