Angels, faerie, ghosts This image is from This image is from
People all over the world. James van Praagh, different musicans from Black Metal Bands, like Immortal or Dimmu Borgir... Johnny Depp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.. type="text/javascript" src="".. Die unstillbare Gier Songtextxxxxxxx
Depeche Mode, Erasure, A-HA, Immortal, Dimmu Borgir, Enthroned, Bolt Thrower, Placebo, Project Pitchfork, Elvis Presley, ABBA, Maria Callas, Tanz der Vampire, and much more
Sleepy Hollow, Harry Potter, Vampire movies, Star Wars, Constantine, Spiderman 1-3, Lord of the Rings, and many more
Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Smallville, Star Trek, Invasion, Earth: Final Conflict, and many more
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, about Vampire, about Angels, and many more
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