Welcome to the things that bounce around inside my head. If you were wondering, my artist name has no particular meaning. It's just something I've used for a long time and isn't really worth interpreting. What you see here are a collection of pieces that have been compiled after much seeking and sampling to find and construct soundscapes that take on a life completely seperate from what they were before (and anything you would probably be familiar with). I'm slowly but surely working on new ideas and material, but I'm trying not to force anything that doesn't represent what I want it to. I intend to continue to strive towards constructing what I consider to be unique perceptions of what music can be. I think. You can be the judge of that. My personal page is www.myspace.com/donnythepanhead, and if you wish to contact me some other way just message me and I'll hook you up. Enjoy.
With much love~Donny.