INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. Welcome to next wave of media production, this is
Hi, I'm Brad and welcome to Insane Raven Studios, my creative production domain, where we produce exciting and innovate film and video productions, with our primary focus on high quality and original material .
I'm a graduate of Niagara College's Broadcasting Program, with an advanced diploma in Film Production, and use my years of networking with other students and industry professionals to provide the best talent for your needs.
I have years of field experience where I have traveled all over the world doing production work, from small scale independent films and music videos, to multi-million dollar feature films.
I'm a businessman and an artist,the camera and lights are my brushes are and the film is my canvas. Through my works i hope to bring to life not just my own ideas and creations, but capture the essence of those talented people i work with their music, their lives, their imaginations.

'NO', 'NOT', 'CAN'T'... these have to be the EASIEST words in the English language. With them comes finality, and end to searching, creating, innovating. A Brick Wall. As a ingenuitive filmmaker, i ALWAYS have to find a way in order to satisfy the creative vision of a project. These isn't room for 'NO' in my vocabulary.
- Hollywood Feature Films
- Short Films
- ..aries
- Internationally Broadcast TV Series
- Music Videos
-Special Event Coverage
"With each new project comes a new perspective and ideas; a high-quality, professional production; and a chance to test our innovation..."

Email me at:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone who has an interest, or is already involved in the film scene. Fellow directors, camera-ops, editors, actors, special effects gurus... we need to band together and open dialogue with each other, because who i work for today could be working for me tomorrow!I also don't want to leave out animators, all facets of artists and technicians in the digital realm, classic artists, fabricators, welders, machinists... any one who has the desire to create has found an accomplice in me.


Fashion Rocks Canada 2007 @ The Phoenix (shot on Consumer DV Cam)

Reggae Roots Run Deep Trailer


This list could go on forever, but this is my top 5:
(i)The Matrix (nothing like the original)
(ii) V for Vendetta
(iv) Requiem for the Dream
(v) Batman Begins


Family Guy, The Simpsons, Weeds, Deadwood, Hockey Night in Canada, Monday Night Football, Hockey Night in Canada any news program that isn't swimming in bias [cough] CNN.


- 5 People You Meet in Heaven
- Rainbow Six
- Angels & Demons
- Rebel without a Crew: The Robert Rodriguez Story
- This Terrible Business Has Been Good to Me: The Autobiography of Norman Jewison
- The Man Who Heard Voices or How M. Night Shyamalan Risked his Career on a Fairytale


My Dad

My Blog

Insane Raven UPDATE....

Hey out there, to all those amazing people who have helped make INSANE RAVEN what it is today! I know it's bee na while since my last posting, but thats what happens when developing projects takes ov...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:30:00 PST


THATS A WRAP! I just want to send out a heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make this past weekend's shoot a tremendous success. I was hoping to post this blog earlier, but after 25 hours of shoot...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:11:00 PST

On the Verge...

Have you ever had the feeling that your were right on the verge of greatness? That you are gingerly balancing on the cusp of what used to be your usual, 9-5 life and the endless possibilities that are...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:58:00 PST

A Time to Write...

A Time to Write... There often comes times in our lives that we feel something tough to talk about, admitting some dark inner truth, or something time we're just not proud of doing. Alot of ...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:54:00 PST


ACTRA STRIKE: ARE YOU INFORMED?     Please feel free to post an comments you have regarding this post.   The majority of the time I use this blog as a means of creative rele...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:16:00 PST


PROFESSIONALS! That's right, Insane Raven Studios is looking to expand it's network of production crew and web designers, Flash & After Effects artists,and key creative minds (Directors, Producers...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:05:00 PST


Everyday i wake up and turn into the blazing sun, I shake and look around me and realize i'm not the only one.Who knows that his entity will change the world today, Through my thoughts, my words,...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 05:57:00 PST

A Call Out to All Independent Filmmaker Everywhere!

I find myself at an interesting cross road in my life i never thought i'd ever find myself. But one thing has always stood true.... making films. I was so excited to see that there were so many peopl...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:35:00 PST

Production Update: Prop Development

PROP DEVELOPMENT Hey Everyone, So I decided to head home to Hamilton this past weekend, to take some time from my busy work schedule (and planning for this film) to relax, play with my dog, Bailey; an...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:48:00 PST


TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR NOV. 17,18,19 Hello Crew! I hope you are all as exciting and ready to shoot next weekend, because i haven't been this AMPED for a project in a long time. For those of you who w...
Posted by INSANE RAVEN STUDIOS on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:09:00 PST