Anyone and everyone who has an interest, or is already involved in the film scene. Fellow directors, camera-ops, editors, actors, special effects gurus... we need to band together and open dialogue with each other, because who i work for today could be working for me tomorrow!I also don't want to leave out animators, all facets of artists and technicians in the digital realm, classic artists, fabricators, welders, machinists... any one who has the desire to create has found an accomplice in me.
Fashion Rocks Canada 2007 @ The Phoenix (shot on Consumer DV Cam)
Reggae Roots Run Deep Trailer
This list could go on forever, but this is my top 5:
(i)The Matrix (nothing like the original)
(ii) V for Vendetta
(iv) Requiem for the Dream
(v) Batman Begins
Family Guy, The Simpsons, Weeds, Deadwood, Hockey Night in Canada, Monday Night Football, Hockey Night in Canada any news program that isn't swimming in bias [cough] CNN.
- 5 People You Meet in Heaven
- Rainbow Six
- Angels & Demons
- Rebel without a Crew: The Robert Rodriguez Story
- This Terrible Business Has Been Good to Me: The Autobiography of Norman Jewison
- The Man Who Heard Voices or How M. Night Shyamalan Risked his Career on a Fairytale
My Dad