anything history..anything psychological..LOVE war movies...anything that stimulates a thought process...and of course...PIRATES OF THE disney movies rock my socks
Family Guy/Futurama/King of the Hill/American Choppers/Big Biker Build Off/Monster Garage/Rides/Pinks/ Saved By The Bell!!! basically anything 80s, adult content cartoons, anything to do with building cars/bike/racing....and anything on the history channel or discovery channel...(except the weird shows on tumors the size of a small city) i also love an infomercial with a peppy catch phrase...for instance..."set it and forget it"....possitively brilliant.
Fight Club/Choke/The Giver/Da Vinci Code/Monster...etc...etc...those who read are sexy, any guy or girl who can speak eloquently and intellectually is okay in my book...therefore illiterates, and those of you who think reading and being knowledgeable is a waste of time, can just go right up to the "home" link at the top of this page...dont waste my time or yours. thanks.
anyone who dares to challenge me in a drinking contest...German people, Irish people, the one who risks it all for love....people who think they can talk to animals.