Completely Ghay boi [premium M&S] profile picture

Completely Ghay boi [premium M&S]

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

This is a testing profile for work. Cheers!

Golly! Link is in your extended network!Hello. I am Adam.
I've got nothing intelligent to say =)
I'm "So M&S"

I am 9teen && nearly 20TEEN 0=).
I like penis.
I like music, it's fun!
I want to be a flute player [innuendo's welcome].
I try to sing, but don't do it well.
I can play flute well though!! XD
Some people hate the fact I want cosmetic surgery [no, it's not to make me into a "real woman"].
I'm hott && I know it, apparently!? =/
I do drugs rarely, I have an alcohol problem, && I sometimes smoke with Laura, because I see how sexy she looks && LONG to be her. =)
I have cute earlobes =) hehe
&& a pretty smile. LIKE THIS:
Incorrect grammar annoys me.
I'm no perfectionist, but when it comes to grammar, I try! 0=)
Music && history are my passions, && I will be going to university in September to study music [hopefully Bristol University]!!
I hate this smiley: ":>"
Do NOT send it to me [unless you are Laura; she's allowed].
Laura's prologue, by Laura:
I wanna see you on yr knees
You either want to be with me
Or be with me ;]
love you. xx
Laura, by Adam:
Laura is my Whore!!!
She is also a whore of many other things, but she is NOT your whore =)
&& this is Laura...
Adam ♥ you
A bit about Laura...
She is fabulous.
She hasn't the ability to handle her drink.
She has an amazingly flamboyant fashion sense.
She takes life && all it's problems, along with everyone else's, in her every stride.
She is the best Ebay whore around!!
She insists on smoking ONLY menthol [because she's so M&S].
She will not take shit from anyone [be afraid, extremely afraid!].
She is always in the same mood as me, unintentionally...we like to share =)
I once said "Laura, you dance like you mean it!", && that she does!!
She is mother && shared rights guardian to Scruff && Albino Scruff [see Scruff Story below].
She is intelligent, but sometimes so blonde it hurts!
She LOVES Blondie!!
She ROCKS!!!!!
She can be a bitch, but never as much as me =P
She IS Miss Independent
Bitch ♥ Whore forever

Today I am alive...
Obviously, but I mean alive alive!
Whore && myself went to Mister Robin's house party last nite.
It was fun, but needed more people.
Kirsty WORTH was there though!!
Everybody loves Kirsty WORTH XD
I'm still slightly tipsy, maybe =/
&& I'm on a high, all alone, bored, && hungered.
*sings to Whitney Housten*
Charades is so fun with love hearts XD
The Scruff Story [revised] .
One day, Whore && Bitch went to McDonalds [don't judge].
Bitch bought a "happy meal".
Inside was a little dog.
He was brown, shaggy && had a HUGE black nose.
Whore && Bitch decided he would be their son && he was named Scruff.
Although custody was shared, Bitch liked to keep him && take him EVERYWHERE!!
One day, Bitch && Whore went to Cardiff shopping.
Scruff was introduced to coach journey safety regulations, hot chocolate, Marlboro Lights && general city shoppingness.
Whore && Bitch also took Scruff to his first gig.
&& it was an amazing gig as it was a BLONDIE gig!!!
In Cardiff again.
Little Scruff had an amazing time...
He sang, danced && drank in Golden Cross, where we saw Jack && Rob [with strange coloured hair] =/
But Scruff was polite && didn't comment...unlike Whore && Bitch!
After the trip, Whore wanted to take Scruff home.
Naturally Bitch didn't protest...this however was a bad idea!
When Whore && Bitch met a few days later, Bitch asked where their son was.
Whore replied "Oh, he's at home *looks around*".
Bitch was upset, but said to make sure he came out next time.
The next time Bitch & Whore met, Bitch again asked "Where is scruff!?"
To Bitch's horror...Whore replied "I don't know, I can't find him!"
Bitch was most distraught hearing this, && was VERY angry at Whore!!
Whore && Bitch went to Cardiff sales shopping!!
Bitch was upset because it was the first time they'd been since Scruff was "MURDERED" [by his own mother no less].
So...Bitch went to Wifey's && Wifey said he could be cloned!!
Bitch was so excited, && so accepted...a Scruff clone was born [created, made etc.].
Bitch was so grateful toward Wifey.
Whore && Bitch love Wifey dearly [for more reasons than mentioned here].
&mwah to Wifey!
Bitch decided to give him to Whore so as to ease the pain.
But meanwhile, Whore had been rummaging...
&& FOUND SCRUFF!!!!!!!
He was alive!!!
He'd just been "misplaced" for a while, as Whore liked to put it!
They were both overjoyed, as was Scruff!
He was back in his rightful place && had a brother...identical [but not twin].
Whore && Bitch ♥ Scruff && clone [no name as yet].
Bitch now has full custody, Whore can visit under supervision.
Supervision of both was too much for Bitch
As one day clone, being the mischievous clone he was, jumped near a road!
Bitch wasn't paying full attention && clone jumped onto the road.
This tragedy took place when on the way to see Fall Out Boy [which was CRAP by the way!!]!!
As a consequence of falling onto the road, clone became one of the many juvenile fatality victims of 2006.
R.I.P clone.
Due to the circumstances of clones death && Bitch's incompetence as a parent//guardian, Scruff was under the watchful eyes of Whore.
Scruff mourned the loss of clone.
He was lonely once again.
Bitch told Girl [a.k.a. younger sibling] about the horrific loss.
She was compassionate && told Bitch about her collection of McDonalds toys.
Bitch's eyes lit up!
Bitch rummaged through them && came across a small, white dog with large black nose, beady brown eyes, small ears && stubby tail
Girl allowed Bitch to adopt her.
Bitch immediately informed Whore of the phenomenal news!!
Whore informed Scruff, who too was overjoyed!
Now Scruff, Albino Scruff && clone [in spirit] enjoy many fun days with Bitch && Whore.
They particularly enjoy gigs && train spotting!!!
Due to the previous events, Bitch && Whore, both being incompetent in their own ways, have shared custody of Scruff && Albino Scruff.
Write me a fraze!?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Adams Special People:

is my Whore, my soul mate, my Laura. She is too imperative to only be mentioned once, so she will be mentioned here too. For full information about Laura, see Laura's section above.

We drink Lambrini by the litres in random places between Cardiff && Aberdare. He is my baby boy. He means the world to me && I love him so much. He will forever be in my heart.
Andyroo [aka GANDY//GOD//Mister Man-Drew]

He is lovely. He loves to dress up in lady's hats, whether it be in H&M or his own living room with his little siblings. AdamSian Sian SALKELD!!!

Siany is my funky, 'n Sync loving, dancing buddywe boogie on down whenever we're at Le Meze, && any other times when we're slightly intoxicated! Siany is one of my bestest friends! AdamKirsty WORTH

Kirsty WORTH is her name! She's my lesbian buddy; we talk about EVERYTHIN, && I mean EVERYTHING!!!!!! Bread of Heaven is our cafe of conversing; we entertain many =) Kirsty is one of my bestest friends, && we both need our "fix" of friends at least three times a week!! Kirsty is FABBYBOOMTASTIC [&& of course, flamboyant].

My Blog

about us!! =)

FILL IT IN PLEASE 1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you thi...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Jul 2005 15:31:00 GMT

IT'S MAY DAY...but why!?

Why is it may day!? Does anyone know!? What is the bank holiday for!? hmm...please let me know if u do, I'm intrigued! =P Well...this is my first blog entry! =D I updated lots of my profile so thou...
Posted by on Sun, 01 May 2005 20:10:00 GMT