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E Boogie

I could have been a sailor, I could have been a cook, I could be ...

About Me

One noteworthy quality about me is I'm constantly searching for something more, for something better, and always challenging myself to do more and become better, in everything. I like people who aren't afraid to be different, not for the sake of pissing people off, but for the openminded/liberating sense of trying something because it's new to you. There more to me then is possible to summarizing in words with my limited vocabulary. You'll just have to trust me, i'm interesting.

My Interests

There is a classic bochner sceme brewing that will hopefully be unleased in the near future. It basically involves everybody I know, working together on something big. I haven't finished the details, but it will start small. One of the start off idea's I had was to get everybody I know and do a clean up project in some shitty area, all the while maybe having a band like the vitamen playing so it's a really fun time for everybody. Eventually this thing should morph into a club/society where we have meetings and come up with ways to have as large an impact as possible.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who's good at one or all of the following: ice skating, pool, bowling, chess, tennis and skiing.A little abstract but I was thinking about how you can really learn from the world around you and I arbitrarily thought about a tree and asked what can I learn from a tree, so here is what I came up with. I thought a tree is strong, it grows, it can take things from the outside world and convert it into something specfic it needs. I thought about how flexible a tree is in regards to its responses to different environments, when the weather is nice and the day is long it will bloom and be full of life, when the weather gets colder and the day shorter it will shed its leaves and retract its beauty, but not before warning the world of the change by turning different colors. Wind will make a tree bend but seldom break, snow will weight it down but the tree is strong and bears the load. If the external forces are too great and the tree is overcome by an external force it does not stop living or serving a purpose. If a tree falls and is not used by humans insects will eat it, or it will decompose and serve as fertalizer for new life to blossom. If humans need to build houses a tree will gladly support our homes and keep us warm by being burned. Even after serving as a source of heat the ashes can still be used to serve as fertilizer. I can hardly think of an instance where a tree is a waste. In conclusion, I would like to meet someone who is like a tree, and I aspire to be more like the tree, similar to how Siddhartha learned from the stream. P.S add on to learning from the world around. A while back someone told me dogs or maybe it was a certain breed of dog won't stop eating until their bowl is empty or their owner takes away their food. If their owner give them like 10 pounds off food they will just eat until they puke, and then start eating again. I think this is how people should be with their life and what the world has to offer, we should all be looking to get as much out of it until we puke, and then look to get some more.


Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Counting Crows, Billy Joel, Coldplay, and Beatles


Siddhartha, The Fountainhead, Thus spoke Zarathustra.


Anybody who can beat the market for more than five years in a row.

My Blog

New Business Idea

As I meet more people in NYC I feel I can catagorize them into two buckets, artists and businessman. It seems the artists are all working part-time or fulltime non-artist jobs to pay expenses and then...
Posted by E Boogie on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:04:00 PST


It's been a while since I've written anything in my blog, and after reading some of my previous posts I feel I surely could do better. So, it's been just about two and a half months since I moved int...
Posted by E Boogie on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 09:17:00 PST

Circle of Life

Now that I'm an uncle I have the ability to watch a child grow up first hand while I'm an adult myself.  Being as I was am the youngest of my siblings I was never aforded the opportunity to watch...
Posted by E Boogie on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:50:00 PST


Since who knows how long I've always had a strong sense that I am supposed to do something significant, something of importance which will hopefully help others.  And with that sense came a respo...
Posted by E Boogie on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 11:02:00 PST