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NEW ALBUM "ZANOS BEZ SNOVA (RAPTURE WITHOUT DREAMS)" IS OUT NOW! 1st ALBUM REISSUED ON 14TH OF DECEMBER. YOU CAN ORDER ALL 3 ALBUMS OF PRESING THRU or [email protected] novel "Kralj komaraca" ("King of Mosquitoes") by Vladimir Krakov, the guitar player of Presing available thru Ammonite Records (same e-mail as above) - only in Serbian so far. Soon in English as well.Ritam u kojem stojis
PRESING - Wake up in a Matchbox
Add to My Profile | More VideosVLADIMIR KRAKOV: "KRALJ KOMARACA" (AMMONITE 2006)"Rijeka, gradska plaža. Tata i mama sede na betoniranoj obali, Miloš i Anja kao knedle, krchkaju se usoljeni u vodi obogacenoj uljem iz ogromnih brodova usidrenih par kilometara dalje. U plicaku, plavokosa deca igraju se cudno lepim igrackama za plažu, kakvih u robnim kucama tržišnog socijalizma nema. I govore neki cudno antipatican jezik. Antipatican kao zloce iz filmova u kojima supermen Bata Životinja sa petokrakom na celu serijski satire nitkove što pricaju upravo ovim, mrskim okupatorskim jezikom i nose gvozdene nokšire na glavama. Ali igracke su carobno privlacne: bela plasticna jahta na daljinsko upravljanje, podmornica, delfin na naduvavanje... Miloš pridje i gleda ih, gledaju i oni njega. Kako li se ono u tim filmovima pozdravljaju izmedu sebe na ovom jeziku? Pa da!- Heil Hitler! - vikne Miloš ponosno. Eto, i on zna nemacki. Pa još i ruku podigne baš kako treba."Roman beogradskog pisca Vladimira Krakova "Kralj komaraca" izašao je iz štampe sredinom oktobra 2006. Vladimir Krakov, gitarista i autor muzike kultnog beogradskog sastava Presing, predstavlja svoj prvi roman, pisan na engleskom za holandskog izdavaca Papertiger, sada na srpskom. Na fonu londonske andergraund muzicke scene s pocetka 90-tih, dešava se prica o identitetu koji ne želi da se utopi ni u jedan sistem, i cudna ljubavna povest dvoje londonskih skvotera sa suprotnih krajeva sveta, iz Srbije i Australije. Iz recenzije Ricarda Brna (Richard Byrne, New York Press): "Vešto ispripovedana prica o srpskoj generaciji X, obojena spojem briljantnog ulicnog humora i iznenadujucih izleta u fantazmagoriju. Cinjenica da je pisac ujedno jedna od najinteresantnijih autorskih figura beogradske andergraund rok scene u 90-tim daje ovoj knjizi dodatni pedigre."Knjigu možete naruciti po povlašcenoj ceni preko sajta ili potražiti u svim knjižarama u zemlji.

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Member Since: 03/10/2006
Band Members: ZORAN RADOVIC - vocalVLADIMIR MARKOVIC - guitar, mandoline, synthMARKO GRUBACIC - bass guitarDAMJAN DASIC - drumms.Featuring artists:DUSAN PETROVIC - saxophonesMARKO PETRONIJEVIC - trumpetMILICA MILOJEVIC - fluteVLADIMIR NIKOLIC - violin, violaBORIS KRSTAJIC - keyboardsIVANA SMOLOVIC - guest appearance vocal
Influences: Pesma "U svome pesku" ubacena je na profil u cast našeg preminulog prijatelja Gorana Živkovica Žike (1963-2008), snimatelja našeg drugog albuma "600 nebo" i postproducenta albuma "Zanos bez snova"
Sounds Like: The end of Milosevic and the end of sanctions should have been the beginning of a great new period in Belgrade rock. A fresh start. A great wind sweeping away the bullshit turbashi and the cancer of TV Pink.That did not happen that way, did it? Serbian rock met the new boss and he was same as the old boss, just like the Roger Daltrey sang 35 years ago in “Won’t Get Fooled Again?”Kiza and Kraka – the two central figures in Presing – have seen Serbia’s post-Tito hopes fall into nationalist lies and vicious war, they also watched their first record Prica o Totemu, Duhu Koji Hoda, Psu i Razocaranoj Zeni disappear beneath that madness.After October 2000, and the bager and all that, Presing tried again. Their second record, 600 nebo, was one of the best records to emerge from Central Europe in modern times – its desperate and imagistic poetry carried on a blast wave of sharply melodic rock music. Lots of critics loved it, but its beauty was buried in the post-revolutionary hangover of bad politics and shrinking opportunities to be heard. The new bosses of media were the old bosses. Even erstwhile allies in radio and TV shrunk their playlists for Serbian rock music. So 600 nebo was great music for bad times.And now, things are even worse. They are making music without a market. So why try again, as Presing is doing now on this record that you have in your hands – Zanos bez snova? Why keep attacking the gates of the castle? The music that you will hear on this disc is the landscape of dreams – and the lack of dreams. I hear some Nick Cave, some James Chance and the Contortions, some Soft Machine and even some echoes of Balkan brass. In other words, I hear a delirious mix of musical styles and poetry – sometimes even within the same song.As I said before, this is music without a market. A delirium without a dream of commercial success. So why do it? Why do Kiza and Kraka keep making Serbian rock music for an audience that doesn’t want it? Listening to Zanos bez snova, I thought that Samuel Beckett’s words in his masterpiece, The Unnameable, might provide one possible explanation:“You must go on, I can't go on, you must go on, I'll go on, you must say words, as long as there are any, until they find me, until they say me, strange man, strange sin, you must go on, perhaps it's done already, perhaps they have said me already, perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story, that would surprise me, if it opens, it will be I, it will be the silence, where I am, I don't know, I'll never know, in the silence you don't know, you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on.”- Richard Byrne, New York Press
Record Label: Ammonite Records /
Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 21:00:00 GMT