I try to surround myself with positive people who know who they are. People who love themselves from inside. You can be the hottest person out there but if you're ugly on the inside, than you're ugly period. I look to surround myself with people who have found purpose in life. If your purpose is to sleep with as many people as you can, then chances are we would not have anything to talk about. If your purpose is to spread negativity and surround yourself in drama, then chances are we wouldn't get along. If you enjoy playing the victim in your own life, then chances are we wouldn't get along. I'm past the drama and the meaningless "friendships." The people that I allow in my life give just as much as I give and trust me that's a lot. If you're in my life its for a reason and if you're not its also for a reason. If you've taken the time to actually get to know yourself and love yourself then it will show because you will attract the same type of people. Now, I don't mean conceit, I mean you truly love the person that you are and what you contribute to this world. I can care less about your six pack and your Chanel glasses lol. If you hate yourself and surround yourself with negativity, then that's what you will attract and that's not me. Life is too short to spend it unhappy! Spend sometime alone and get to know yourself because if you don't enjoy your own company, how can you expect anyone else to.