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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is matthew taylor but most people know me as taylor. Not really your normal kind of person ive been told. People either really like me alot or they really dont. I live in mackay QLD and have done so for the last few years. Im orinaly form the sunny coast, a little place called bli bli. Mactown isnt too bad, you get used to it i guess. I would say its just convenient to live here for the time being. I think of my work as a hobbie and my real life begins on the weekends. Latley ive been skating alot as it is the most fun you can have at 4am without any company, which is my prediciment most weekends for some reason. Bit to out of it perhaps? Not sure. For some reson i dont sleep alot, could be because of my lifstyle maybe. Who would know??? PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

Lighting fires, waking up in strange places, getting on planes with no prior plans to, breaking glass bottles, impulse purchases, staying awake aslong as possible, burnouts with james, avoiding as much work as possible, tax returns, fast food, nudie runs, laughing at drunk people, spending money, trying to stop whiteys from keeping me down and travelling the earth.

I'd like to meet:

The Carlton crew. Most of them are dead now but i wish i could live the life they ounce did. PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


Daft punk, pnau, the presets, Urthhboy, MIA, muph & plutonic ... umm cant really think right now. basicly most electro house and some rap hey. But then there is another side of me that is partial to a bit of metal like killswitch engage, in flames, tool, deftones, slipknot, lamb of god, eight foot sativa... etc


Two hands, 300, point break, seven, anything with adam sandler, donnie darko, garden state, Suburban mayhem, the departed, american history x, road to perdition, house of sand and fog, boondock saints,


The mighty boosh, Entourage, scrubs, simpsons, futurama, family guy, underbelly


i read for a purpose, not entertainment


Micheal Taylor aka dad