N a d i a ' s D i a r y
me & myself,
Lets begin with Java/C++ first :D :
Aku saiki manggon ning Jogja, lumayan wis suwe. Sak durunge aku manggon ning sala3, terus kuliah ning ngayogjakarta. blah..
Second paragraph, use bahasa first :
Aku suka, makan,doyan begadang (Nonton kadang walau cuma TV doank).
Now let's continue with "your" language :
Me? i'm just a mad computer science student...
I'm extremely focussed and ambitious when it comes to my career and would like to think I've been very successful in my professional life. In saying that, I think I need to start finding a slightly better work/life balance (don't we all?) and change the thought that what I do is who I am, if that makes sense...
I have a good sense of humour (although I fear most would say in a cute, dorky "we're laughing at you, not with you" kind of way) and I love to laugh, but then again, who doesn't?
~ Nadia Andanti ..Pipi's Panda Diary..