Layout made by A D A M It is difficult to write about music especially when it is of the type which is composed by Omar khayrat.You should be able to write by tears rather than ink.There is a deep pain which is manifested through Omar music, even if there is happy event which he try to picture it through this music you will find inside this happiness the pain.Omar khayrat is a typical standard of the person who has used music phenomenologically, he made us face to face with all passion of social, political, cultural injustice, which the individual crushed inside it, you can put his composition of music in the line of critcal theory.Omar khayrat music has phenomenological fuction through two important ways, the first way through which his music becomes phenomenological is the epoche, displcament of ego from the egoic perspective to transcendental realm in which the I become me, the other, and he made us share all suffering of humanity.It put us in the whole, so it aid us in performing reduction which is mandatory for doing phenomenology, so Omar khayrat music provide us with experience which permit to our transcendental ego to emerge, this ego is empathetic in its essence which aid us in suspending our natural/practical/pragmatic attitude, which is responsible for our utilitarianism behavior.The second phenomenological impact is the descriptive nature of his music, he describes the essential element of the experience, he brackets the existence of the experience he give us the formal description which can be applied in any world. He is concerned with essence of the experience rather than its particular instant.This is what makes his music applied in many instances of experiences, so make it transcendental, that is, free from being limited to subjective experience.Experience of Omar khayrat music is greatly helpful in reaching the phenomenological realm.Omar khayrat is speaking rather than composing.He made us silent observer, he made everything background when he is speaking.Usually people when watching film the music take inferior position, our intentionality is directed toward the film & its events, while when Omar khayrat is the composer he redirect our intentionality completely ,he make the film just instant of a concept which is described through his music.Omar khayrat music is trying to reveal to us the concepts, meaning which the film try to speak it in its special way.This is why it is not consumed by the film, cannot be saturated by this or that film, because it represents the ideal/transcendental meaning. This is a feature of any work which reveals truth.Omar khayrat music is way of disclosing the truth of the experience, using the sounds in different way from that of our natural language, Omar khayrat composition of music is due to intuition of the essence of the experience which is present prelingustically, so musician are able to transfer meaning which our traditional language is not able.We are in need to such person like Omar khayrat in our postmodern stage in which everything reduced to the spatiotemporal circumsrances,we need a person who can make the truth revealed to us through giving it his musical horizon.
Omar music has great interpretative power of the events it described,he is good translator of the experience,lived ,into music form,this facilitate its spread without being forbidden from the dominant authorites,inspite of its attack to their injustice.
Music become our linguistic discourse when the words is forbidden .