You cannot keep determined people from success. If you place stumbling blocks in their way, they wil
About Me
My name's Nolan Ariel Diaz Fernandez or just Nolan Diaz..I was born in Moscow (Russia), as a result know what ppl do when they get married, since I was a Cuban product I was taken back to Castro's Island, I had to spend the next 18 years there, before getting to freedom, before I could speak for myself.... now I live in Miami and I speak as much as i want... some ppl think I’m funny some say I’m a serious guy, I’d say I’m both just 1 thing at a time, I like sports, music is a big part of me. I get away to music land and hangout with my bass in there, I like writing what comes in my mind, dance can do, any kind of food, I think ill eat rocks with ketchup, I certainly believe in family, friendship and true love.. Besides the fact it’s not even...when we truly least most of the time, unless we are watching a movie or reading a book, or just being very lucky, or smart I guess. kind of a perfectionist but not all the time, I’ve learned that imperfection can be beauty or fun, I do think we need to accept our mistakes at least....I have not regrets... I think every situation its a step on our way to this journey call life, the funny part its not getting stacked at the same spot and been able to learn how to step stronger and happier, .. i have free mind, lots of love, many friends, a great family and dreams that i manage to realized day by day ... that was longer than expected..well fellas that’s me por ahi, welcome to this our space and enjoy no matter what..
LoveNolan D.
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I'd like to meet:
Norah J.
Esperandote by Norlan
My Mom, shes a real heroe, a real woman, Love you Mom.