FEESAH profile picture



About Me

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My Interests

I enjoy just being able to be myself. Being with my two angels because they will never judge me.
You Have Good Karma
In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.
Your caring personality really shines through.
Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.
But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. How's Your Karma?
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Choc-Chip Cookie Dough! You are fancy shmancy! You have all the bells and whistles and you attract the most gluttonous of ice-cream shop patrons. You are fattening and intensely rich. That being said, you are very tasty and have a huge fanbase! good for you! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz


Im not picky!


Scarface, Good Fellas, Juice, Menance 2 Society, Love and Basketball


Young and The Restless...


Im trying to read any and everything ever written.
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Snapple Peach Tea
Beverage (alc) ? Grey Goose
Color ? Purple
Food ? Baked Mac and Cheese
Item of clothing ? Jeans
Meal of the day ? Breakfast
Feature on yourself ? Smile
Quality in a guy/girl ? Loyalty
Phrase ? You need to get your life together
Song ? Beauty
Musical Artist/Band ? When they get a deal I will let you know...
Sport ? Basketball
Movie ? Love and Basketball
TV Show ? Young and the Restless
Radio Station ? Power 99fm
Type of Chocolate ? I don't eat much of that stuff
Eye Color ? Hazel
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Nope
Smoke ? Yea a couple of times...but not for me
Drink ? You must not know bout me
Have any piercings ? Yes
Have any tatoos ? Yes
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Nope....either love me or leave em alone
Had sex ? Who hasn't
Gone streaking ? No
Gone skinny dipping ? Almost once
Been to Europe ? No
Been to an island ? Yup
Had stitches ? Yes....it was for a good cause
Broken any bones ? No
Been stabbed/shot ? Almost....had a few close calls
Slept until after 12:00 ? All the time
Stayed up all night ? Yes...was hurt after doing that
Danced like a whore ? No....im always classy
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? Naw...that's not my style
Turned down a dare ? Yeah always if Lamar is playing
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Erica
Is the prettiest ? All of us
Is the most handsom ? Nobody comes to mind
Is the loudest ? Me...Im from Philly...Its in my family
Is the craziest ? Erica
Is the most shy ? Heidi
Is the most loving ? Heidi
Is the most understanding ? Lindz.....
Is the most boring ? Nobody I be with is boring
Is the richest ? None....they might have rich parents
Is the most athletic ? Soccer Feet....she knows who she is
Is the most cocky ? Bird
Is the biggest sex icon ? Quita
Is the most wordly/cultured ? I dunno
Do you look up to the most ? Iamah
Do you tell everything to ? Iamah
Has the best clothes ? Depends on what you like
Has the best house ? That depends
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? I will try anything once
Kiss someone of the same sex ? Never know
Cheat on someone you love ? Nope....love is special
Run away from home ? Hell no
Lie to your parents ? Of course...who wouldn't
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Nope....why lie?
Lie to your best friend ? Hell no....where's the trust?
Give a homeless person money ? Yea
Run from the police ? In my younger days
Bungee jump ? Maybe if I was drunk
Sky dive ? If I was high as Giraffe ass
Cross dress ? Where's the fun in that?
Be an exotic dancer ? If I needed the money.
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? No
Scuba dive ? Yea
Go rock climbing ? Yea
Go spulunking (caving) ? No...what is that anyway?
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Rapper
Bologna ? Ghetto
Hott ? White Boys
Orange ? Citrus
Real world ? Crazy
Fuck ? I messed up now
Jack ? Coke
Cucumber ? Nothing
Hip-Hop ? Nothing
Uniform ? Work
UniCORN ! ? Nothing
Rainbow ? Where is the pot of gold?
Clown ? What the hell were they thinking?


My parents-I thank you two for everything. Janiyah-You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Juvanne-I love you so much, and I thank Vanessa for bringing you into my life. My BD-you know who you are! I thank you also even if you don't appreciate me!

My Blog


..."Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love,or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So...
Posted by FEESAH on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:42:00 PST

Things Groupies Say!!!!!

Things Groupies Say..... Do you know Bruce's Baby Mom? Did you see that boy she was with in the club? Did you know Heidi was in the bikini contest at the edge! Why was Babbi's baby mom in the mall wit...
Posted by FEESAH on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 07:27:00 PST

Just a Thought

Monday, September 04, 2006   Soulmate Current mood: complacent  Is there such a thing or do we just want to believe that there is one? We hear people mention about meeting their...
Posted by FEESAH on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:38:00 PST