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Maricar May

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

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about me??? to tell you frankly... there's a million things in order for an individual to say that he/ she knows me... cuz as we all know... each of us is unique in his or her special way. im a down to earth kinda' person... duhh... i want to think that im cool, amazing, friendly, and kind hearted... but actually im not. hehehe i'd get irritated easily with people who blabers trashy words infront of me especially when im not on the mood to laugh... except when the person who blabers is my favorite cuzin namely "trisha" cuz i really find her funny without any reason at all. ive got lots of special friends and to name a many( cuz they wanted to be staring here in MY space) my ever loyal azckal family: cyndee, kring2x, hanidz, cha, charisma, angeli, kim, pot2x...etc. clasm8s here n bicol: kathy, joan, mila, mariz, jacklyn,and verna.

My Interests

im interested to know about everything...books, latest gadgets, cellphones and so on and so forth... im open to any topic simply because i think im cool and i could handle any topics that comes my way... i love to collect stuffs like teen magazines, sweet letters, bags, and clothes...

I'd like to meet:

actually, im a very kind-hearted person and since im kind-hearted im willing to "MEAT" i mean to "MEET" cool people... i don't care if your ugly or what.. as long as ur alive, willing to be friends, definitly not a maniac and totaly not a paranoid... that's it!!! my email ad is: [email protected]... you can invite me if you want.


id love to hear love songs whenever im studying, feeling sad and lonely since we all know that music heals the soul... take those blues away. in particular, i would like to hear ALTERNATIVE and ACOUSTIC beats... not to mention... i fancy REGGAE songs to much... that sometimes when i hear that beat i just wanna dance.


i love to watch romantic movies... you know those "lived happily ever after" and those "knight and shining armor" type. and to name a few,... what a girl wants, 10 things i hate about you, she's all that, wedding planner, fools rush in, pretty woman... etc. i also would like to watch horror movies cuz it always sends shiver to my spines... weird feeling but so exciting.


well, i always stay late every night just to watch those cool television programs... but i definitly hate TELENOVELAS... thats a total no no... i find them very confusing... no sense at all and in fact you can't learn any lessons from those corny lovestories. i love to watch HBO. Cinemax, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, My MYX, and last but never the least MTV Asia. i could stay home for day just watching t.v


i actually love to read books... i sometimes would like to consider my self as a bookworm... but sad to say im not.:( if given the chance to read a book in just a day i would probably would chose those book written by the famous writters namely Christopher Pike and R.L Stine... i love to read those twisted thriller...


ummmmmmm... interesting topic... heroes... well, one of my favorite hero is Spiderman cuz he can swing from one building to another. my Pop cuz he gives me money, buys me anything i want, and cheers me up eachtime im sad hehehe... that makes him the gratest hero of all time.