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I'm Span...I'm 18...I Live Near Loughborough..I Haveeeee Short Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes :)I Love...Going out in the Borough and partying all night long...Tottering around the streets with Sian telling everyone that we're "unidentical twins"...I'm really, really lazy and waste a lottt of time doing nothing... In the future im gonna marry someone rich :) My car's called LuLu she's a darl.And everyonee says it and it sounds realllly cheesey but my friends are definately the most important thing in my life :)...Georgina is the god damn beautiful diamond in my sky :) i love her very dearly she's a bird! Sian is just my all-round hero :) Lauren is my childhood buddy forever..Laura (Ozzy) is a special one ;) Megan i don't think we'll ever become distant we've got too many good memories and an amazing new one made this weekend 23/2/08 (Y) Haz Jaz is the friend it took me so long to find when she was there all along ;) A new circle of friends i've formed are the art girlsssss.. those lessons are always a laugh i love youuu courts fanni and soph :)...* One more... My Sister is proof that if you work at any friendship it gets better :)