luv musics~game addicted~less talk but once started can't be stop~blur yet cool~like to wear sneakers rather than heels~lurv 2 laugh~like to tease~luv cuppycake~
now da nk end of sem...meaning b4 hols tu kene amek pekse...ohhh tidak!!!!!malas nye nk i have 2..klo x xdapek den nk nolong...
asgmmt brlmbk..ngna test nye...esk ade lg 1 test b4 study le... Posted by ~baDkidz~b@b3 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST
aku dia dan kamu...
betapa bodohnya diriku
mahu diduakan dirimu
namun bila hati bicara
aku sayang padamu
my question is....bodoh ke pompuan tu bile syg kt lelaki cam2?
putuskan die oh kaseh
agar ku tak tersaing... Posted by ~baDkidz~b@b3 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST