marko profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Finally, I learned to stop worrying and got to love the bomb. ////////////////////////// Jedan deo Markovih napora cini teodikeja, njegov napor da karakter i funkciju bogova, narocito vrhovnog boga, ocisti od nedostojnih legendi i suvisnh ljudskih crta, narocito od samovolje, i da ih (bogove) pomakne u sferu moralne savrsenosti.

My Interests

I am entusiastic about literature and cyber culture, passionate for wave surfing and snowboarding, concerned for politics, football and theory and in love with travelling & music.

I'd like to meet:

'Fat Man' 'Little Boy'


oldies (but goodies) ... OBG! (esp. with female lead vocals)


krimi ... noir!


i'm watching everything ... television man!


return to sender


prometheus or any other self made man, else automats, autodidacts and automobiles