Art, sculpting, welding and any sort of metalworking. Woodworking and powertools. Pretty much tools of any kind. Aikido. Self development and learning in all of its various forms. Spending quality time with friends and loved ones. Also... Real Estate (don't get me started talking about it 'cuz it will never end.)
I would especially like to meet up with old friends that I haven't managed to keep in touch with. If you know me... please say "hi" -- if I don't know you, then I will be pleased to make your aquaintance.
Yes, I like music. Especially Jazz. Anything remotely Indian sounding, or trance inducing.
Office Space. Empire Strikes Back. Cool Hand Luke. The Big Lebowski. The Big Blue. The Matrix (not the 2nd & 3rd installments.) American Beauty. Jason and the Argonauts.
Battlestar Galactica. Lost. Sopranos. Deadwood. Curb Your Enthusiasm. Big Love. Buffy. Farscape. (you know...I knew this would start taking up too much time -- you get the idea.)
Yes -- reading is good. Classics. Sci-fi. Reference books and history. Bhagavad Gita.
Mahatma Gandhi. Meher Baba. Yogananda. Albert Einstein. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. Ben Franklin. Robert Crumb. Alexander Calder.