Broward Badest BITCH*** profile picture

Broward Badest BITCH***

NIGGA if its LOVE yall lookin fo then drop that tide azz BITCH n get over here cuz i got watcha wont

About Me

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I'd like to meet:

My great grandma the reason i said that is because she die before i was born.

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What Ranesha Means
R is for Revolutionary

A is for Amorous

N is for Naughty

E is for Edgy

S is for Sincere

H is for Hardworking

A is for Adventurous
What Does Your Name Mean? value="MovieOvers=3&TitleOvers=2&BGOvers=1&TextE xpiration=ITS%20HERE%20BITCH&TextTitle=MY%20DUDE%20BIRTH DAY&GlowColor=16777215&NumsColor=0&TextColor=167 77215&BGColor=16711680&Second=0&Minute=0&Hou r=0&Day=10&Month=6&Year=2007&" /

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style="position:absolute; left:753px; top:150px; width:100px; height:544px;" Broward Badest Bitch Broward Badest Bitch


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name: Ranesha
birthday: 10/24/89
age: 17
weight: Really dont no
how tall are you: 5:6
zodiac sign: scorpio
name: Justin
birthday: 6/10/88
age: 18
how tall is he/her: 5:11
zodiac sign: gim n u already no
funny or shy: Lil of both
tattoos: none right now
how did you meet: Bye a friend
how long have you been together: 3 mouths
does his/her family like you: i think
how often are you together: EVERY WEEKEND
do you stay with each other: naw not yet
whats your fave thing about him/her: The he way he make me fill
how often do you argue and fight with each other: every now n then
name one thing you dont like about him/her: i cant cuz i LOVE everything bout him
smoke/drink: no/no
how diffrent is he/her than your ex's: alot diffrent
do you regret anything in your past: No cuz they all was done for a reason
where do you see your relationship going: I really dont no but i hope far
do your friends like him/her: I would have to say SOME
does his/her freinds lke you: THEY BETTER
do you have the same style: N some way
right now are you happy or lonley: i would have to say HAPPY
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What is your name: Ranesha
What is your favorite color: pink n light blue
Do you have a bf/gf: hell yeah
What is her/his name: Justin
How old are you: 17
Do you have Children: hell naw
Who is your best friend: keteva
Who do you hate: i HATE no one
What is your favorite soda: hell Yeah coke
Have you smoked: hell naw
Have you ever got drunk: hell Yeah
have you ever had sex: naw not yet waitin 4 mr right
what is you sign: scorpio
what is your favorite number: 5
what is your favorite thing to do: shop
who do you like: Justin
what are you parents names: Randy n Regina
do you have a good relationship with your parents: hell Yeah
when was the last time you told you parents you loved them: the other day
when was the last time you talked to your parents: wat tha fuck u think i live wit them muther fucker
do you talk to your parents about sex: sumtime bitch
do they ever lison: yeah
How many siblings do you have: 3
what are there names: Randy, Shanika, Jessica
what are you going to name your kids: after my nigga
what do you love to eat when you are upset: ice cream
What do you do on your birthday: i guess i would have a party
what is you favorite kind of cake: watever them nigga got to give
what is your favorite movie: blood line
what is your favorite song: plese dont go by TANK
who is your favorite guy singer: AVANT
who is your favorite girl singer: Mary J
who is your favorite actor: chirs tucker
who is your favorite actress: jlo
what is your favorite quote: Get Off my Pussy Broke Hoe
what is your favorite line off of a movie: nat thats u yes dis me u one ugly ass nigga
what is your favorite clothes store: Rainbow
what is your favorite candy: Twix
what is your favorite tipe of shoe: Any thing that got to do wit baby phat...
how tall are you
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Posted by Broward Badest BITCH*** on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 04:31:00 PST