Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.
How Massachusetts are you?
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.. Aishaslife16. When lack of customers be the case, message moi, with a joke, knock knock is acceptable but not preferred.
*The Ultimate About Me Survey*:
Name: Aisha the shihibi-bibi
DOB: the 26th of february
Birthplace: Newton MA. Go BOSOX
Current location: Hudson FL. go.....americas wang.
Eye color: brown
Hair Color: purple, black, pink, brownish naturally
Height: 5'9" .....and 3/4ths
Heritage: french, "je suis le grande fromage", scottish "FREEDOM", egyption, "walk like an egyption", and libyan, "run marty its the libyans!"
Piercings: 12 as of now. eyebrow, lip, nose, tongue, and ears 4 on each side
Tattoos: 1 as of ever. ankh below my neck. egyption symbol for life, meaning of name. ties spiffy.
Band/Singer: Pat benatar
Song: "I know what boys like"-waitresses
Genre of Music: 80's pop and punk. versatile
Color(s): seriously...take your time people
TV show(s): fav = early 90s SNL
Movie(s): Waynes World 1 and 2
Food: fried potato products
Store: thrift stores = goldmine for pennies
#: 5,2,21 last ones quite obvious
Drink: screwdriver
Clothing Brand: faishon. fashion + aisha = faishon *jazz hands*
Shoe Brand: no boundries
Animal: chipmunk, fuzzy little spaz.
Pizza topping: extra fromage
Season: winter, nix current location
Month: february, tax return and bday CHA CHING
Holiday: halloween, creativity a must. cavities as well.
Flower: sunflower.......
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: sunny. I'll melt in rain, I'm made of sugar.
Chocolate or vanilla: both, visual representation of moi
Fruit or veggie: veggie
Night or day: night, drinking in the afternoon is reserved for the well aged
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: money. I'm a realist, not a republican
Phone or in person: in person.
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: rich and miserable. insurance would make me a content lady.
Looks or personality: sence of humor/wit
Coffee or tea: neither bah
Hot or cold: cold, rock the snowbunny.
Goal for this year: as always, leave americas penis
Most missed memory: kenmore square
Best physical feature: left elbow *sizzle*
First thought waking up: bah water *snooze*
Do you wanna get married: nopers, have fun instead.
Do you wanna have kids: nope
If so, how many: not applicable
Do you wanna go to college: yessum
What do you want to be: actress/fashion designer/comedian/reality tv star/fried potato tester
Do You:
Dance in the rain: refer to above, meltage
Smoke: yessum
Drink: yuppers
Shower daily: pending lazy bitch status
Like thunderstorms: if I have candles and jenga on hand
Curse: darn tootin
Sing: mix a lot and I could duel.
Play an instrument: 12 string guitar, alto sax, piano, jembe drum, recorder, spoons, dabbling into cowbell.
Think you are good looking: extream fattass makeover made aishizzle a confident bizznitch
Get along with your parents: bah hahahahahahahahaha
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: a tune
Right or left handed: righty
Your bedtime: sunrise
Biggest fear: not being remembered, didnt we cover this *scans up* my bad, long ass day.
3 things you can't live without: friends, entertainment, stress relief........mwa ha.
Color of your room: wood grain, purple coverage soon enough
Siblings: 2 brothers.
Middle name: Ann, white mother chose something
Pets: none currently
Nicknames: aishizzle, oreo, darkest white girl, toasted cracker, shibi, shihibi-bibi, aiska (trophy name), purple people eater, ill stop
For or against gay marriage: for
Thoughts ..ion: pro-choice
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: if ya know moi, you know this.
Do you wear contacts/glasses: glasses, contacts soon enough
Are you afraid of the dark: only via woods, broccoli heads of doom
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